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Today was the day I'm supposed to have a date with Lucas, he never told me where we were going but he said it was a place where no one can find us. The idea seems tempting and scary at the same time, Being somewhere alone with Lucas is dangerous.

I woke up early this day because he said he wanted to spend as much time as he can with me. So I woke up early and skipped breakfast in order to have plenty of time to choose my outfit. The night before I already had an outfit ready but when I woke up this morning I wasn't really feeling it, it happens sometimes.

After almost half an hour I decided to go with a long White flowy dress, it looked good and I was satisfied.

I put on just a little bit of makeup and I got out of the door because by the time I was still putting on mascara Lucas was already here and calling me, so I had to run, and with the heals that I had on, I can only say that it's a miracle I'm still breathing.

Lucas was in front of my building leaning on the car as always. But I never get sick of seeing him like that.

"Good morning" I approached him. He was still looking at his phone

"Mor-" he looked at me and went silent "I've never seen anything this perfect my whole life"

"Thank you, you look amazing too" and he truly did he had a white tee-shirt on with a black blazer on top, beige pants, and sneakers. He looked like someone out of a magazine.

Every inch of his body was curved to perfection. I can really look at him all day, and I might be addicted.

To him

" So aren't you going to tell me where we're going?" I got in the car after he opened the door for me and he got in as well.

"You'll find out soon enough, just be patient" he placed a kiss on my hand and then started the car.

"That's the only thing I'm not good at"

We drove for half an hour with him still holding my hand all that time. Honestly, if this man ever came demanding my life I'd give it to him with a smile on my face. Actually, I could die right this Instant and I'll die as the happiest woman ever.

A little while later I started to see the sea.

"What are we doing here?" She was very clear in front of us.

"Patience Miss Clark" he was smirking because I know he likes to drive me nuts.

Soon we came to stop, he got out of the car you came to my side to open the door, and I got out. We started walking, he was leading me however I still didn't know the destination. After five minutes of walking, I noticed that the place was filled with boats and Yachts. We started walking among those boats until I saw Lucas getting inside one.

"Wait" I stopped and kept looking at the yacht "we're going inside this one?" I've never been inside a yacht ever in my whole life. And this one looked luxurious it was so big I think I can't fit all my apartment inside of it.

He is really rich, isn't he?

I kept staring at the boat and I noticed its name


That's weird.
"Who's Jazmin?" My curiosity always had bad timing.
"No one actually, it's just a pretty name" his answer didn't really convince me but that is not important right now. "So are you coming or you're good there?"

When I came back to reality I was still standing next to the yacht while Lucas was already on the yacht waiting for me to get to him.

"I've never seen anything more beautiful" the exterior is something however the interior is a whole other than this. You would think you're inside a fancy house not on a boat

"I did, and she's standing right next to me " he is really sweet.
"So this is the family boat?" I started walking around a bit.

"No. It's just mine. The family has another one " I'm pretty sure my jaw dropped to the floor and came back again.
"I have one two" he looked at me surprised " except mine is made of plastic. But it's only mine."  He laughed at my weird comment.

"Come let's get you comfortable and get this big girl starting"

"Which big girl? Starting how?"

"JAZMINE the boat, you don't actually think we're staying in here All day. We're going to sail"

"But we're good like this" honestly I was a little scared because it's my first time on something like this" and I guess he understood that too.

"Don't worry everything is going to be okay. As long as you're with I won't let anything happen to you" his words reassured me a little but just a little.

Okay, I can do this. There's nothing scary about this.

I kept telling myself.

I saw Lucas taking some stairs and going up and he mentioned for me to follow him.
I did and when I went up I saw him sitting on a chair and in front of him a bunch of buttons and stuff. Then it hit me

" Wait you're the one driving this?"

"Yes, what you thought I couldn't?"

" No, I just thought they'll be a captain or something"

"No, I told you. All day long just you and me".

We left and went sailing in the vast sea and frankly it wasn't scary at all. The boat wasn't going fast and a soft wind would blow on your face and all you can see is water, blue clear water. Living behind all worries and problems gives yourself entirely to nature. It wasn't that bad at all.

Lucas stopped the boat and got up.
"What happened?" We were in the middle of the sea everything around us is blue.

"I don't think you had breakfast yet, and I can't let you die of hunger."  I truly was hungry so I gotta very excited at the mention of food.

Soon enough Lucas had sat table filled with so many dishes you can get full just by looking, and he did it all on his own since he didn't let me help him with anything. Everything I could've asked for was on the table.

We ate, laying next to each other watching the soft waves, he even tried to teach me how to sail but that one was hard for me.  Soon Lucas started setting the table again this time for lunch, and again he didn't fail to amaze me.

Being inside the arms of your lover is one of the best feelings ever, you feel safe, protected, powerful, and at peace. This is exactly what I felt as Lucas was holding me.
"I'm glad you're here with me "
"Me too I would have it any other way" I placed my hand on his cheek. "Thank you for today and for everything.

"I should be the one thanking you for coming into my life" he grabbed my hand and placed it on his chest right where I can feel his heartbeat.

Sun was going down when Lucas stood up
"Come with me" he gave me his hand and I gladly took it.

Soft music started playing suddenly

"Shush, just enjoy it"

To the slow and soft rhythm of the song, we started dancing, just me and him in the middle of the sea as the sun kept watching us until she got to sleep.

The Devil's TrapOnde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora