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" you're staying the night, and it's final" he was standing next to a door

" you can't decide that on your own"

" I just did" he winked at me then opened the door to what looked like a bedroom, grabbed my hand and pushed me inside

The present

"What's this?" I asked while looking around.
"It's a room, can't you tell? " I gave a look. You Know that look that says: are you for real right now. " You can stay here for the night" he continued.

"No, you don't get it. I'm not staying here, and I'm leaving right now." I tried to move but he blocked my way.

" Not if I don't want it " he looked at me with a smirk on his lips " there are some clothes in the closet that you can use," he said while getting out of the room and closing the door.

It took me a few seconds to gather my ideas. I opened the door and went after him
" I'm not using any clothes and I'm not sleeping here " he was pretending like he couldn't hear me and that hit a nerve right there so I started walking until I was right in front of him
" This is ridiculous, I'm not staying here and you can't make me that's not even legal."

" Of course I can, did you forget who I am. I'm your boss " his voice was low but you can feel the hint of danger in it, my legs started taking steps back as he was taking steps forward with each word he said." I. Own. You."
My legs had a mind of their own I pushed him back and I was running to the door. I was almost there when I felt a hand grabbing my shoulder.
He looked pissed and he was screaming at me, he looked at me, I'm pretty sure I looked terrified at that moment,  he then took a deep breath "I asked you to stay because it's getting late and you might not be able to find a cab in this area and it might be dangerous out there" he explained.

At this point I was getting tired of this I just wanted to stay away from him.
" I'm going to the room "
He gave me half a smile, I just looked at him and went upstairs
" Goodnight" I heard him say, but I didn't feel like answering so I just kept walking.

I got to the room and closed the doors, his reaction really scared me.
If I was staying here I at least need to call the girls to tell them because I know they will worry.

" Wait what do you mean you're spending the night at your boss's house" Kat didn't seem to be a fan of the idea.
I told her what happened 

"when it became late he insisted on me to stay "

" You could've called us and we would come to get you"

" This place is a bit far so.."
" Hey Em you sure it's not you who wanted to stay?
" Kat why would I want to stay in my boss's house who I don't know if I may add "

" Well that's exactly what I'm saying, look I know he's hot and all but  he could be a serial killer or a psychopath for all we know"

" Kat stop you're scaring the shit out of me "
" Well boo you're already stuck just make sure to close the door and have 911 on stand by"

" Jesus kat, I already closed the door, but I'm tired know I'm going to sleep"

" Alright but just keep one eye open, good luck"

I hung up and tried to get some sleep but thanks to Kat sleep was the only thing that I wasn't getting that night and kept changing my position, counting sheep jumping, and blinking my eyes so fast for two minutes straight but sleep was not on my good side that night. I checked my phone and it said 3:03 Holy shit this is called the devil's hour, what if I was in the devil's house.

No, no stop this is All Kat still playing inside your head. Okay I'm good he's probably asleep by now and look I'm fine nothing happened to me.

What the hell is happening to I'm the girl who can kick ass for living what is happening to me.

Damn and now I'm hungry, great freaking timing.

I assembled all the courage that was left in me and I opened my room to go to the kitchen.
The path was cleared so I went straight to the kitchen but because of the darkness I couldn't help but stumble e few times, but I was able to not break anything.

I got safely to the fridge and I found some leftovers from what we ate earlier I didn't feel like heating it up so I started eating it just like and it still tasted so amazing.  I was eating directly from the pot since I was kinda really hungry and eating with a wooden fork and very focus that I didn't feel someone creeping behind me until the light turned on, I turned to look holding the pot in one hand and holding the wooden fork that was entirely in my mouth with the other hand.

" Holy fuck" I looked up to see my boss looking at me looking terrified.
I was scared too I mean what kind of normal person would sneak in like that I didn't even hear his steps. Yet he looked far more surprised than I was, and I couldn't blame him, only God knows how I look right now.

" Ahsosweahot-

" Emily, finish what you have in your mouth then speak please" the corner of his lips were turning into a smile.

I nod and finished it, I almost swallowed the whole thing without chewing.

" I said I'm sorry I just got a little hungry" I was so embarrassed how could I let this happen, I wish the earth could open up and swallow me whole right at that instant.

For a second he was looking at me and then the other second he was laughing like a mad man and he almost fell to the floor.

" Stop laughing at me" but of course, he didn't stop he was so busy laughing. " I didn't have dinner so I got hungry. I said stop "

He was on his knee but he started getting up and getting closer.

" I'm sorry, sorry you are just so cute I couldn't"

What the hell did he just say?.

He cupped my face with both his hands and got closer to my face only inches away from his.

"I can't stop looking, and I can't stop being mesmerized. What are you doing to me? " The last words were like a whisper but I could hear him, his words making shivers run through my whole body making me lose control over my senses, making me go weak.

" Since that day when I saw you in the club, then I found you in front of me in that interview I couldn't take my eyes off you. You, Emily you're something else"

His eyes were digging deeper into my soul I was bewitched, speechless, my heart was pounding so fast, I had no words to say, I was feeling numb until I felt the sliding brush of his lips over mine. It woke every since in my body then his lips were all over mine and his arms embracing me and pushing me closer to him if possible.

The kiss broke to give space to a long hug where none of us spoke we were there in that kitchen catching our breath, embracing each other, and enjoying each other's warmth.

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