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"Emily" when I heard that voice calling my name once again, everything stopped moving and I could only hear the rapid and loud pounding of my heart.

"Hello, Lucas" I tried my best to stay composed and not give in to the panic that was slowly rising within me.

"Hmm... How are you doing?" He kept moving from me, to Alice, to Noah then back again to Alice and me, if I could I would hide from his wondering eyes but there was no escape.

"Lucas, nice to see you again" Noah was trying to kill the tension growing between us, but from the intense gaze of Lucas, I can tell that it wasn't working.

Then suddenly, I remembered, I shouldn't be the one scared, I shouldn't be the one hiding, he should. I'm no longer the woman I use to be, I'm stronger.

"Good to see you Lucas, but we have to go" I looked back at Noah and thankfully he understood my message.

"Wait" I was going to continue walking but when he said it the second time my legs as if they had a mind of their own obeyed his request. "It's been almost three years Emily, and that's what you have to tell me, you have to go"


"Mimiii" I was about to speak when the sudden cry of Alice stopped. I placed Alice inside Noah's arms.

"Noah please can you take her to mom, she needs to change"
Noah nodded and took her.

"Are you going to be okay in here ?" He asked mentioning Lucas with his head.

"Yeah don't worry, I'll be there in a minute."

I watched until Noah was gone then I turned around to face Lucas.

"What do you want?"

"You have no idea what is going on, I've been looking all over for you?"

"Why? No, you know what? I don't want to know. I have a life now Lucas and I'm not going to let you ruin it."

"Yeah, I can clearly see that and how quickly you moved on. I thought I was it for you-

"You were, until- . No I'm not doing this, not again. I'm going back to my daughter and family, and whatever reason that had you come in here, you can forget it".
I turned around not barring the idea of seeing his face after and walked away from him, and towards my family.


I didn't want to leave my father just yet, I wanted to make sure he was alright before I can leave him. After a couple of days, the doctor finally let us take my father home since he was doing better, and I stayed with them for about a week before deciding to book a flight and fly back to Lucas.

The flight back couldn't get so slow, I was counting the minutes until I get to see Lucas and tell him the news.

I looked at the ultrasound of my baby that I was holding the whole time, and wondered what his or her father's reaction will be like.
Will he be excited like me? Will he be happy or will he hate the idea?

I tried to call him before getting on the plane but as usual, he didn't answer, besides the baby matter I was really worried about what happened to him, I can't imagine a life without him. But I shouldn't be thinking like this.

Lucas is fine, he's okay.

I didn't notice between all my worries I had fallen asleep until the pilot asked us to put on the seat belts.

Besides Lucas I haven't called anyone else to inform them I was coming, I wanted it to be a surprise. And I missed everyone, kate, Lilly, Stephan and Lucas I do.

I took a cab from the airport I was deciding between going to Kate and Lilly's but I made my first stop at Lucas's house.

It was eleven in the morning by the time I left the airport and took me about an hour to get to Lucas's house.

When I got to the house he wasn't there, I checked his calendar and he didn't have any travels, so I wonder where he is and why isn't he answering his phone.

It was dark outside and I was still waiting in the house, I haven't talked to anyone except mom who called to check on me. I kept calling Lucas he probably has now like thirty missed calls from me.

There wasn't much food in the fridge and I wasn't feeling well so I didn't go out to get anything instead I just fell asleep on the couch. The perks of traveling while pregnant.

A sudden noise woke me up, the sound of keys opening the door, my head for some reason turned to look at the clock, it was way past midnight.

I turned again towards the front door, was it Lucas? But the person outside is clearly struggling to open the door so it's not Lucas.

I hurried to the kitchen and grabbed the first knife I can find.

The door opened, but I still couldn't see who it was, I took small and quiet steps towards the front door, I saw the shadow of a girl, but it was too dark to see since the lights were off when I fell asleep.

I saw the girl moving and the lights turned on, it blinded me for a second but I opened my eyes the second that I could.
I moved closer, and I could see the girl clearly, I recognized her, she was the girl we met at the masquerade, I think her name was Josefine. Yeah, that's her I'm sure of it.

End of flashback

But what was she doing here? In Lucas's house?

A moment later I heard another noise someone else came in

"Hey, you good ?" Without hesitation, I knew it was Lucas's voice I could tell right away.
I was so confused, but moreover so happy to finally see him, I was going towards him, until I saw that girl curling her arms around Lucas's neck and kissing him.

Before I could react the knife escaped from my grasp making a loud noise, which resulted in both eyes turning towards me.

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The Devil's TrapOnde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora