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N.B: The beginning might confuse you a bit, but keep reading in order to understand what is going on. And thank you everyone for the 1k  I'm grateful for all of you.

                ~~Two and a half years later~~

The alarm was going on, but I was already up. I'm no longer the sleepy bear that I use to be, In the last couple of years, you can just say I was forced to get up early every time.


"Huh... I'm coming baby, I'm coming"
I quickly grabbed my robe and went to the room next to mine.

I picked up the little baby that was crying and started swaying her around.
"Shush, mommy is here"

"Aaah ma"

"Let's go we need to change you and fill this little stomach of yours"
I was tickling her little tummy and she was having the best time of her life.

Yes, I am a mommy know July twenty-first I gave birth to the most beautiful child ever. A healthy baby girl named Alice.
Looking back I don't regret anything at all in my life because I get to be the mother of this child, which had become the most important thing in my life.

"Are you done ?"

"Yes mom" I was living again with my parents under the same roof. I'm glad I came back and they have been a great help to Alice.

"Let me take her, and you go wash then come downstairs, breakfast is ready"

"Thank you mom"
At first, they were shocked when they found out I was pregnant, but when they saw my determination to have Alice they only encouraged me.

I took a quick shower and got reading then went downstairs.
My dad had Alice on his lap and she was playing with his glasses.

"Dad watch out she might break them" I sat down to have breakfast.

"It's okay just let her play"

"You two sure like to spoil her a lot"

"Well, of course, she's my beloved granddaughter. And I mean look at her she's just cute"  now she was playing with his mustache.

"Okay dad just be careful, you know how she moves a lot these days "

"Don't worry honey we got eyes on her " mom said while putting pancakes on my plate. "You were just like her when you were little and you moved quite a lot as well, but look at you know "

"I suppose you're right" I take a deep breath " but I can't help being worried"

"Now you know what it feels like, " my dad said.

"Anyway, I have to get going" I stood up
"But you didn't finish breakfast"

"No I'll eat later today I have to be there early there's a new potential client and I can't let him get away."

"Alright, may God help you "

That is right after two years my dream had become true I had managed to have my own company.
Of course, it wasn't easy at first since I didn't have enough money and not even a job.
However thanks to a certain person I was able to get myself together.
After leaving the city two years ago, I found myself without anything then I remembered a certain person who offered help not so long ago.

"Good morning ma'am" the security at the door opened for me.

"Morning Charlie"

I took the elevator and went to my office.

But first I had to say hi to my partner.

"Morning Noah"

"Good morning beautiful, how is it going today?" He got up from his desk.

"Good but I'm excited though for the new client"

"Don't worry you got this plus I'm here with you " he tapped on my shoulder

"Thanks that really means a lot"

" How is little Alice by the way?"

"Oh she's good but driving me insane she is now agitated and keeps moving a lot the other day she almost broke a vase and injured herself if my mom hadn't seen her"

"Well that's the age where she is discovering her world"

" She misses you too. Ooh are you still on for tonight you know, we're waiting for you"

"Of course, I wouldn't miss it"

After I left my job and the city I gave a call to Noah Davison whom I met before he gladly took me in. After a few months of working for him, I managed to get good money to start my own company and he helped me too that's why he became my partner.

The meeting with the client was a success, thanks to Noah in only a small time I was able to get the hang of it and managed to stand on both my feet.

The day finally was over I couldn't wait to go home to see Alice and my family.

"I'm driving you," Noah said as we left the building.

"Okay "

" But we got to make a few stops alright?"

"Sure yeah just go"

"Damn you want to come with me that bad, you should have just told me"

"Huh, Noah either you drive or I'll get a cab " I rolled my eyes.

"No you ain't touching my baby" he hated when someone touches his beloved car. One day I drove it cause he was a little drunk I almost got into an accident you should've seen the look on his face as if I almost murdered his mother.

"Drive then."

"Okay. Here we go"

After three stops and long traffic, we were finally able to make it home.

"Welcome dear,"  my mother opened the door. "Oh Noah welcome come on in we've been waiting for you"

"Good evening Mrs. Clark"

"Maama" Alice came running with her little legs towards me and I picked her up

"Hi, the baby did you, miss mommy? Mommy missed you too baby. Hi dad"

I gave dad a kiss on the cheek then I went to the toilet to wash my hands and my face then joined the rest of them on the table.

"Mom is Alice's dinner ready?"

"Yes just eat now, then take her to sleep."

We all gathered around the beautiful table decorated with beautiful dishes that my mom made. I looked around and I'm thankful to all the people that stood by my side when I needed them most.
My parents left their town and came to live with me in the city and help me raise Alice.
Noah for being there and providing both moral and financial support
And Alice for being the light that guided me when I was lost

I was hurt but now I'm slowly healing because of these people.

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