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Every day I wake up I get excited about work and once I go I never want to leave. the past month has been a true blessing to me I spent so much time with Lucas trying to get to know him a little, and we also went on other amazing dates and shared amazing memories together I love every second I spend with him. My heart came to know emotions I'd never encountered before. Also, Lucas and Stephan have been getting along a little better and by that, they only speak to each other business-wise, but they still have a long way to go.

Today I had some important things to do at the bank so I already called in to let them know that I will be late. Even though I went early in order to not be late it was in vain, probably all the people here thought of the same thing.

I finally got to my workplace and as I was entering the building I noticed that something was off, the security guards seemed alerted and people left their work to gossip and talk.

"What's going on?" I asked this girl Selena that I've met before she's a Latina and a funny one, and I love to hang out with her she's the only girl I came to like in this company
"You don't know?" She actually looked surprised
"No, I just got here"
"You just missed a freak show. There's this girl called Susan she used to work here and like you, she was the boss's PA." As she was talking me girls started joining us.
"She was very beautiful and attractive," One girl said

"Yeah we all kinda were jealous of her" another one added.
"Anyway, the boss was attracted to her too and they ended up together, and after he slept with her a few days later he told her Ciao, bye Mamacita" Selena stopped for a second " last thing we heard she actually was very in love with the boss but after he ditched her she went a little loco. That's why girls should stay away from him" 

That news was shocking but I was still trying to make nothing of it, maybe they got things wrong or maybe there's more to the story than it meets the eye.

"Okay, what does that have to do with what is happening now?"

"Aahi dios mío, this girl Susan she came this morning to the company and she was holding a knife and threatened to kill someone if we don't take her to the boss"

" She looked terrible though" added a Blondie.
"It's all because of the boss, rumor has it he sleeps with all his secretaries then leave them"

They kept talking but I couldn't hear them, I couldn't make out what they were saying.
My body moved on its own and I found myself inside the elevator going up to Lucas. Every second inside felt like an eternity and as I waited longer my worries got bigger.

The elevator came to a stop I took one step outside. At first glance, the floor seemed empty but I could hear some talking coming from somewhere, it was the way to Luca's office.

I kept walking, that's when I saw all the people; security guards Mrs. Williams and Stephan were there too, they were all standing at the door, but I didn't see Lucas.
Stephan saw me walking toward them and he came in front of me keeping me from going forward.

"What are you doing here? " He looked frustrated.

"I want to know what is going on" I could barely utter any word

"You shouldn't be here Emily, it's too risky" he tried holding my arm but I dodged him

"I want to see" I insisted, I think he knew that he couldn't convince me so he let me pass but still came after me.
Mrs. Williams saw me and all she did was give me a weak smile then moved aside, why was that?

I had to push the guards a little in order to see, and I only wish I didn't see, something hurt at that sight as if my heart was pierced by a knife.

The girl looked awful sitting on the floor crying while Lucas was hugging her, she had a knife in her hand but Lucas was holding her hand down.

"You destroyed me " she whispered but we were able to hear her.
"I'm sorry"

"You left me alone"
"I'm sorry" he kept saying.

"I had everything before but know.." she didn't finish her words

"I'm sorry, I'm really sorry I didn't know" 
She turned in order to look at Lucas
"It's done already, just stop hurting people"

It all happened so quickly, the girl managed to free her hand she kept looking at Lucas as she took the knife and stabbed herself.

My reflexes were quick as I pulled an ambulance
"Hello, there is a girl here who stabbed herself she's losing too much blood you need to get hear quick.

Lucas heard me speaking that when he looked up and his eyes widened at the sight of me. I couldn't keep looking at that sea of blood anymore I finished the call with an emergency and left the whole building.

I just kept walking, no destination in mind, no nothing, just walked aimlessly. Looking at people, trying to erase those images from my head but I couldn't.
That girl was a victim, a poor victim of the man I love. The man I love is a monster.
I remembered something, so I pulled my phone, it's been three hours since I left there were thirty-nine missed calls from Lucas and some from Stephan.

I called Stephan and he picked up quickly
"Emily are you okay?" Apparently, he was still with Lucas because I heard him asking.
"How is the girl?"
He took a deep breath. I prayed that everything was okay
" She's doing better, they managed to stop the bleeding and luckily her organs weren't damaged, but they're keeping her under the watch this night" he stopped for a few then resumed  "Emily where are you? you don't answer your phone we were worried"

"I'm fine Stephan but thanks anyway"
I hang up and turned my phone off.
For the rest of the day I just kept wondering around I didn't want to be found I wanted to be alone, alone with my thoughts so I turned my phone on for what last time to call the girls and let them know I wasn't coming, then I detached my self for everything.

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