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With my eyes still waiting for him to show up, I followed Mrs. Wilson to her room.
It's useless to say that it was one long walk since the house was very big.

Her room looks like the room of a queen, everything right where it's supposed to be and nothing out of place.
Everything is clean and shiny.

I wouldn't want her to come to see my room any time soon.

"I'm so happy for both of you" she began to say " you know he never brought any girl to the house before"

Happiness started surfacing back in my heart with her words. I was the first one.

"Should I place it here?" She asked placing my box on her vanity.
It looked so poor next to the Chanel and Dior bottles.

"Yes it's perfect," I said.

"I had always been concerned because he never showed much interest in relationships before" I was still standing awkwardly in the middle of the room when she pointed her hand towards the bed, so I went to sit down and she came next to me.

"I can tell that he really cares about you. Promise me you'll make him happy" she held my hand in hers

"I promise"
She started laughing all of a sudden.

"What's wrong?"

"Oh, I just remembered Lucas when he was a little" I never thought of it, him being a young boy. It's a funny thought though.
"You know one day we went out with me and his father we were going to live him with his nanny but he got sad and angry and wanted to come with us.
It was impossible because that day his father had this thing in the court and I had to be with him. But Lucas refused to let us go and made so many problems that we had to take him with us"

That sounds like him.

"You see" she continued " since he was young he had trouble controlling himself and his anger, he would start throwing and breaking his toys and get hysterical. So that day we had to take him with us.
He wasn't allowed in the courtroom so we let him stay outside and ordered him not to go anywhere.
But of course, he wouldn't listen he went walking around. I never knew what exactly happened but when we got out we found him crying he said that the girl he loves is leaving. You see he met this little girl while we were inside and they actually exchanged vows promising to marry each other" she stopped to think for a while.
"They had this nickname... She was I think... Butter princess and he was peanut prince. " She started laughing " he kept looking for the girl every day he went to the court the following day but I think she never came back. "

A servant entered to call Rebecca
"I'll be right back"
She said other things but I couldn't hear her shocked by the things she told me. The scenes of that day kept replaying inside my head.
The day I met that little boy in court, how I admired him and liked him, how I promised to marry him...

Feelings were mixed up between astonishment and happiness, that child who represented one of the most beautiful memories of my childhood my first crush and love turned out to be the man I love now and I'm getting married to.

If you don't believe in Destiny then I don't know what you believe in.
I was excited...no beyond excited, thrilled to tell Lucas who I am, to tell him that he found butter princess finally.

As I was about to go look for him, my phone started ringing.

"Mom? How are you?" it was unusual for her to call me at such a time.

"Honey, her voice was cracking as if she had been crying.

"Mom, what's going on?" I knew something bad happened

"Emily, your father..."

"What's wrong with dad? Mom, what happened? Tell me now " 

"He had a heart attack" the news came over me keep me a bucket full of ice

"How is he ?"

"I don't know, they just brought him to the hospital and now  no one is saying anything"

"I'm coming now" I hung up before she can try to stop me because I know she will try.

I walked out of the room tears descending from my eyes and covering my cheeks. I went down to the ballroom to search for Lucas all the while looking through my phone for a flight ticket.

I managed to find a ticket an hour and a half from now but I was still looking for Lucas with him nowhere to be seen.
There was this pain inside my heart, a voice pleading for me to find him.
I asked everyone and called him, but he was gone.

A hand grabbed me, I got Happy thinking that I found him at last but turning around I found Stephan.

"Emily, what's wrong?"

"I can't find Lucas I've been looking all over for him I have to find him before leaving I have to see him" he grabbed my shoulders shaking me.

" Calm down, we'll find him he must be here somewhere. Why do you have  to leave?"

"My father had a heart attack and I must go see him, he's in the hospital right now, he's always been sick and I must go see him"

He hugged me, and that's when I realized that I really needed that hug, everything came down on me and I was looking at my mind, I needed some comfort.

"Did you book a flight? " He asked after a while.


"When is it?"

"In an hour and a half"

"Alright here's what we'll do, I'll drive you home, to change and pack then I'm taking you to the airport. When I get back I'll look for Lucas and tell me everything okay?"

I just nod not having the power to say anything else.

I said goodbye to Kate and Lilly as I was about to leave.

On my way to the airport, I couldn't help but think about my father. I always loved him and admired him, and he was always doing his best for us.
The last time I talked to him I said harsh words, god knows he was only looking out for me, I understand that now.

Please God let him be safe, let me see him again, talk to him and ask for forgiveness. Please, God.

I gave one last hug to Stephan before handing over my passport and the ticket.

Only half an hour left for take-off, and everyone was getting on the plane.

I picked up my phone to call Lucas, but he didn't respond again and I was transferred to voicemail.
I decided to leave him a message.
"Hey Lucas it's me, I've been calling you but you're not picking up. I wanted to see you before leaving. Tell you what I found out today.

You know one day you asked me if you were my first love, and I said no. Well, today I found out that you actually were for so long ago you've been my first love. Ever since I saw you in that court with your little suit on. I had a peanut butter sandwich and I gave you the half, we both agreed that it was the best sandwich in the world and that from that day on you and I were butter princess and peanut prince ruling over the peanut butter kingdom. I remember you saying that you wanted to marry me and we played the scene of us getting married like in movies. Our dreams became really we are getting married. I love you so much and I'm glad it's you. I have to go now please call me when you get this."

I got to the plane at the last minute, for the last time I checked my phone before turning it off.

Lucas never called back.

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