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"I mean... Marry me"

I was shocked by his response.

Yet I was not reassured.

"You're saying this just to keep me from going"

" You don't know when to quit?" He was looking inside his pocket and he got a small black box out. He opened it a little light was shining over a beautiful ring inside. "Three weeks ago I was walking when I found myself inside a jewelry store looking at engagement rings, I thought to myself that I made be crazy since it hasn't been that long since we knew each other but something inside me believed that it was right so I decided to get it, and I've been keeping it waiting for the right moment until what happened last week "

This time I somehow felt like he was saying the truth

"You're not lying" it wasn't a question it was an affirmation more to me than to him.

He held my hands, slightly smiling with a sparkle in his eyes.
"No I'm not, please, believe me, you have to trust me. I have no reason to lie to you "

"Bu...but that gir-"

"She was right I was a dickhead and a horrible person for hurting them like that because I never knew how it feels... To love someone, and. When I met you I learned all that I can understand them now and although there's nothing that can get back what I did to them I'm really sorry. I need you to trust me, please"

"You should ask forgiveness from them"

"I know"

"No I mean it" he looked at me confused " if you want me to believe you you have to ask forgiveness from those girls because you think it was because you broke their hearts but you didn't, a breaking heart can heal over time, you... You did something much worse. You broke their dignity, and that's something more precious to a woman than her heart"

He continued looking at me for a moment taking in all my words then he spoke.

"Alright, I'll do it. But promise me you'll trust me and come back to me"

I gave it a thought for a moment, he was ready to go and ask forgiveness from women he once considered nothing and he regret, maybe he deserves a chance.

"I promise" I gave him a weak smile.

"Alright let me see where I can find them" he got up from the sofa heading out " I'm going to make a few phone calls to know their whereabouts." I just nod.

He kept talking on the phone for quite some time then got back inside.

"Alright I got them, let's go " he seemed in a hurry.

"We're leaving now?" We just got to this place.

"You just gave me a chance to make it all right I'm not going to wait for any second" seeing him I'm still mad at him but I can't help but laugh at him and simply love him. "We'll come back once we're done you still need to answer my question"

He was talking about the marriage proposal, but I still didn't give it a thought about what am I supposed to answer.
Let's see those women first then I'll decide.

He got out of the cabin and walked until we got to the car, then we hit the road again back to the city.

While in the car a question popped into my mind.
"How many are they?"

His silence showed that he understood what I'm talking about.

"Five" he answer finally, I took in his answer.

"With or without the girl from-" he knew again what I was talking about.

"Without" he replied.

"That makes them six" he kept quiet, I think he was embarrassed by his actions and regret them, and I didn't want to make him feel worse.

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