Chapter 12~Clouds

Start from the beginning

"O-ok, I don't really have control over this ability...? B-but I'll try my best!" You say to Izuku. He nods.

"I-if it gets to hard or anything, just tell me. We don't have to do it." He says. You shake your head.

"Nah, it's fine." You say with a determined smile.

You concentrate, closing your eyes and putting your fists against your breast. it goes. Just concentrate. You start to feel yourself get light. Your eyes still shut tight.

"Y-Y/N!" You hear Izuku say.

~Izukus POV~

Y/N close her eyes, concentrated with a deep look in her face. I step back as I see a yellow-ish white light appears beneath her feet.
(Lol kinda like chakra from Naruto, if any of you seen it)
I gaze at the light in suspense and I see Y/N start to hovers few inches above the ground, she then soon gets lifted off the ground.

"Y-Y/N!" I say wowed as she floats above the ground. She opens her eyes to see my cheerful reaction. She blushes with a smile. She air swims towards me. I reach out my hands to her so she can hold on to something, so she won't float away. We blush as our hands meet.

"Uh, ok. S-so I wonder if I can make other people float..." she says puzzled. As all ten of her 10 of her fingers reach mine I can feel myself start to float. She lets go if my hands.

"U-uh...Y-Y/N..!" I say nervously as I float above the ground. She giggles as she grabs my hand.

"It's ok, y-you'll get used to it!" She says. As I float around more I start to get used to being above ground.

"Ok, let's go!" She whispers as me and her take hands and jump out the window. (oof sorry if my writing is crappy today)

I look at the night sky and stare at it. It feels so good to fly, it feels like freedom! The yellow-ish white color is still floating around Y/N's feet. I wonder if this makes Y/N and I float, like the main source of power. Y/N floats upside down as she tries to float more up. She puffs out her cheeks as in frustration. I chuckle at her behavior.

I find a cloud, big enough for the 2 of us to sit on. Hmmm...I wonder...
I put my hand on the cloud and it doesn't go though. I smile in excitement, as I sit on the cloud.

"H-hey! Y/N, why don't we stay here? I-I mean instead of the park." I call out. She air aims towards me, I chuckle at the sight of her. She laughs.

"Catch meeeeee!" She calls out. We both laugh as I catch her and we tumble on the cloud. I blush as our hands meet. She sits up and looks at the sky. I look up too. I then remember why I decided to have her stay longer. Ok, just play it cool. Just ask the question. There's been one particular question that's been pondering through my head ever since Y/N and I called each other on the phone. I find the confidence to ask.

"U-uh, Y-Y/N can I ask you something..?" I say in a soft tone. She smiles at the sky but when she turns to look at me, the smile disappears.

~Back to your POV~

You started at him for a moment. He seems more serious. You stop smiling,

"Y-yea, sure. What's up?" You said. He looked down at his hand. Then at the sky while saying.

"W-why...all of a sudden...are you calling me Midoriya...?"

"D-do you n-not see me as a friend...?" He adds.

You felt a chill down your spin. Frick, do I have to tell him about the dream! You look up at the sky as well, searching for the right response.

"N-no! I do see you as a friend!" You say, as you say those words you can feel him hurt.

", I uh probably didn't tell you this...s-since I didn't want you to worry-" He puts his hand over yours, and smiles while blushing.

"Y-Y/N, can tell me...." he says softly. You blush as he stares at you, but then nod a yes. You pause for a moment then begin talking.

"Ok., when the bus incident happened, I woke up what seemed to be a dream. I saw you far away facing the other direction. So I ran to you and when I tapped your shoulder, y-your eyes were dark. I immediately noticed that it wasn't the real you."

"W-wait! S-so someone was imposing as me!?" He asked in shock.

"Well...yea, sorta. Anyways he or well you, told me to start calling you by  Midoriya, a-and to...." you phase for a moment remembering the exact words.

You exhaled.

" stay away from you...." Izuku has a worried look on his face as you said those words. You look down while putting your hands on your lap. Izuku has a frustrated look on his face with tear drops of frustration forming in his eyes. He made an "errrr" noise in frustration. (Lol sorry I keep using that word) You look at him. I should of told him sooner, he probably hates me for not telling him...

"Look! I don't care who the hell that guy is! B-but don't you dare ever listen to him again! All that matters is that your safe!" He says. He stands up and lends out his hand.

"He doesn't control us, and he doesn't control you! So don't you dare take orders from him. It's your choice isn't it!?" He says. The last part echoes through your head. It's your choice isn't it!? You realize what he said is true. It is your choice. No one can decide but you. You take his hand as he helps you up. You nod with a smile.

"Yea, your right....Izuku." You say with a smile. He smiles as he hears you calling his first name. As the conversation ends it turns quiet. All you can hear is the wind blowing. You sit back down, Izuku doing the same. You wrap the jacket around Izuku, since it's big, and he blushes with a nervous smile as you do so. You giggle softly. You then feel an arm wrap around your shoulder. You look at Izuku, he looks the other way with his face red. You smile and lean your head on his shoulder.

~Izuku POV~

I feel Y/N lay her head on my shoulder. My face turns even more red as she does so. All I ever want to do, is to be your hero, and protect you. We sit there, on a cloud, cuddled in a jacket, while staring into the night sky. I feel Y/N sigh, I look over to her. She has her eyes closed, sleeping peacefully. D-did she fall asleep on me!? I feel myself blush as I nervously look straight forward. I hear her mumble something as she's sleeping. I look at her.

"I-I love you, Izuku..." I hear her say softly. I stare at her, processing what she said. I feel tears in my eyes start to form as I blush, but I hold them back. Oh Y/N, that's all I ever wanted to hear, since the day we met. I always thought it would never happen. we are. I lean my head on hers and whisper as I close my eyes.

"I love you too...."

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