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"Run it all by me again.", Kameron sighed.

"A month after we saw each other, I realized I was late. I got a pregnancy test that I thought was going to be negative and obviously it wasn't. I tried to text you but the number belonged to someone else and that was it. I was gonna raise this baby alone with some help from Maddie. Two days ago, I saw you on tv. I heard your name and when I looked up there you were. I've always wanted you to know about this baby, you've always deserved the right.", I explained.

"I just don't think it's mine, Amelia. I-If you want money, or if you came to get some fame then you've came to the wrong place.", Kameron said, defensively.

I shook my head. "I don't want money.", I said for the millionth time.

"Then what do you want? What do you want from me? You want me to play house for you and a kid that might not even be mine?!", Kameron shot.

"I said I don't want your money, Kameron. I don't want child support, okay? I don't want the fame. I just wanted you to know and hell, maybe I'm the bad guy for a tiny bit of me to want you to step up and be a father to your baby.", I snapped.

Kameron let out and a sigh, running his fingers through his hair then slightly tugging at it.

"I figured you'd want to be in his or her life. Then you could move in with me and come back home with me. You can work from there and I'll continue working except for when I got on maternity leave and once the baby is a few months old, I'll go right back to work.", I sighed.

Kameron rubbed his chin, his eyes staring at the ground.

"I just came here to tell you about your child. If you don't want anything to do with us then I'll leave and that will be that. I just didn't want it to come out if we ever ran into each other again and you hate me more than you do right now.", I said.

"I don't hate you, Amelia.", Kameron began. "Could you give me and my agent a moment?", Kameron asked.

I nodded before walking out of the conference room and telling Keith he was wanted by Kameron. When Keith walked into the room and closed the door, I turned to Maddie.

"He doesn't believe me, Maddie. It was stupid of me to think that he'd want to be apart of this.", I said.

Maddie shook her head and hugged me.

"The man has had this happen to him before and none of them were telling the truth. We are and it's hard for him to believe that. You've had time to let it sink in and he hasn't, so many we should just give him a few days.", Maddie said.

She was right, I had six months of preparing myself for this baby and Kameron was just now finding out. The way he was so upset and denying it just hurt to see. I rubbed my belly, letting out a sigh.

"I wonder what they are talking about in there.", I said.


"This is unbelievable, Kameron. You realize what could happen?", Keith said as soon as he stepped foot inside the conference room.

"Keith, I really can't handle you and your opinion right now.", I said.

This couldn't be happening right now, not again. It had to be just like all the other times, fake. Except, it wasn't, at least I think. As much as I didn't want to believe Amelia, a part of me did.

"I don't think she's lying.", I said.

"What?! Kameron, are you kidding me? We've dealt with this before.", Keith groaned.

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