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"You left him at my door.", I whisper to Maddie who was helping me in the kitchen.

"I know, I'm sorry but he asked me too. He's been in contact with Daniel and I. He wants to fix things and he's been asking about you both. I know that I hated his guts and everything but he's been down in a slope.", Maddie explains.

"What do you mean?", I ask.

"He's been turning down new job offers and talk shows. His new manager says that he hasn't been wanting to work.", Maddie says.

"I'm not taking him back that easy.", I say.

"Not saying you should or that you have to. He has to prove himself to you and he knows that.", Maddie says.

I look over to see Daniel and Kameron laughing in the living room. I take a deep breath then meet eyes with Maddie.

I hold my belly and let out a small breath.

"You okay?", she asks.

"Yeah, I've just been feeling a bit of pain all yesterday and all this morning. I think he's just has his foot lodged somewhere. Pressed against something.", I say.

"Did you talk to your doctor?", she asks.

"No, there's no reason to. Just pain.", I say.

"Think it may be contractions?", Maddie asks.

"Braxton hicks maybe.", I say.

I walk away and begin putting the food up. When I turn back around Maddie folds her arms and looks at me.

"Maybe you should call your doctor.", Maddie suggests.

"I'll be okay."

I grab the tray with crackers and Maddie helps me bring the rest of the stuff in the living room for the boys.

It was weird to have Kameron here and acting normal but in a, I screwed up and want to fix things, kind of way. He wasn't going to get off that easy, he has to work for getting me and my baby back. If I give in to him now he'll think that I'll just fall back into his arms again and again. It wasn't just me anymore my baby comes first and my baby deserves a father who wants to be present and is ready.

I do have to admit that I miss Kameron and being around him but I had to let that go. I missed Kameron's parents a bunch but we message each other frequently. If Kameron leaves us and decides he doesn't want this life, I am still going to let his parents be in our child's life. They were his grandparents and always will be.

"Amy, you got a minute?", Kameron asks.

I look from Maddie to him and give him a slow nod. We walk into the kitchen and he leans on the counter, looking at me.

"I was thinking and I was wondering if you'd come back with me.", Kameron says.

"Come back?", I ask.

Kameron nods.

"Yeah back to L.A. I have the nursery all set up for him and I think it would be better if you two came with me that way when I travel or have to back home you both can be home.", Kameron explains.

Going back to L.A with Kameron was a big decision.

"I have a house, Kameron. I have a job, I can't just leave.", I say.

"Move in with me, Amelia. Quit your job, we'll sell your house and you can move in with me. I don't want to be apart from you and our boy.", Kameron says.

"Kameron...you're asking a lot here. You just got back. You're asking me to quit my job, my source of income.", I say.

Kameron nods.

"I know, you can find a new job in L.A if you'd like but you don't have to work. I make more than enough money to support you both.", Kameron says.

I let out a snort.

"Funny, coming from the guy who accused me of wanting him for his money when I told him I was pregnant with his child.", I shoot at him.

Kameron let's out a sigh.

Who does he think he is? Proposing something like this after everything.

"I know. I've said and done a lot of things I regret. Amelia, I want you to move in with me.", Kameron says.

"It's a lot to think about.", I say.

"I know. Take a couple of days and if I have to travel for work we can always fly when he gets a little older.", Kameron says.

I stay quiet and rub my belly. The kitchen silent between us both.

"We need a name.", I say softly.

"What?", Kameron asks.

"For our son, we need a name.", I say, looking up at him.

"Yeah, I haven't even thought of any.", Kameron says.

Neither have I.

"I like Jaxon.", I say.

"Jaxon? Hmm."

I nod.

"I like it."

I let out a deep sigh before shaking my head.

"Why did you come back, Kameron?", I ask.

"For you and our baby.", he replies.

I let out a sigh. I turned my head when Maddie walked in. She looked between us both and walked over to me.

"Is that the reason? Or is it that you need your popularity back? People bashing you because of what happened between us.", I say.

"Amelia I don't care about the media or fame or any of that. I want you and I want to have our little family. Amelia I love you." Kameron says. "I'm in love with you."

"While we were alone you said things that I thought you meant. You made me feel like you really wanted me and Jaxon but once we hit public you pushed me away. So right now this feels just like it did before.", I say.

Kameron sighs. "What do you want from me, Amelia? You want me to announce that I am in love with you to the world? Because I will."

Kameron begins to dig in his jeans and pulls out a small black box and opens it revealing a ring.

"A week after you left I picked this up and I've been carrying it since. Convincing myself to finally come here and tell you that I've been a dick, a moron, and that I am in love with you Amelia. I think I always knew that but I was just scared. It's unfair that I treated you like shit and you deserve way better than me.", Kameron says.

Maddie looks at me and mouths for me to think about it before walking away.

"You didn't want to marry me remember. You practically choked on your drink when your mother brought it up.", I say, walking away.

Maybe I was holding that in and it was wrong. Right now though, everything feels like it's being said just to be said and it's not true.

Because why would he change his mind? 

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