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My fingers tapped against the wooden bar as my eyes scanned the room searching for any sight of Maddie. I felt a wave of relief come over me when I caught sight of Maddie's strawberry blonde hair. Maddie turned around, a smile placed on her lips, as she danced with a random guy she met not too long ago. I turned my attention back to the drink that sat in front of me, I gently flattened the napkin underneath it.

I took a sip of my drink, I was about to turn and leave but I was stopped when a man came from my side and ordered a drink from the bartender. He sat down as he waited and looked back to scan the room, when he turned back his eyes caught mine, and a small smile appeared on his lips.

"Crazy in here, huh?", he asked.

I laughed softly before nodding. "Yeah, it's one of the reasons I don't come here often. It gets way too crowded way too fast."

He nodded before thanking the bartender who set his drink on the bar. He took a sip of it then turned back to me.

"Kameron.", he said holding his hand out.

"Amelia.", I replied taking his hand and shaking it.

He was very attractive, his face had a deep expression that was absolutely breathtaking, he had a very nice jawline, and his eyes were the brightest blue I had ever seen.

"Enjoying yourself so far?", he asked.

"I am now, sitting by myself and doing nothing but staring at my drink isn't so fun.", I replied.

Damn. Maybe I shouldn't have said that or made it come off in the way that it came.

Kameron responded with a smirk then gave a small shrug. "It's always fun to have company."

I stood quiet then took another sip of my drink, my body became a little tense and I started to get nervous. Talking to men wasn't a strong suit of mine, especially talking to men who looked like Kameron. He seemed sweet so far and I had to give him credit for it, normally right after introducing yourselves they wanted to take you home but Kameron didn't try or even hint that he wanted to. It was a relief, to be honest.

"Did you come with friends?", Kameron asked me.

"Yeah, my best friend Maddie but she ditched me for some surfer looking guy.", I said.

"Ah, I see.", Kameron laughed.

"Did you?", I asked, before asking the bartender for a beer.

Kameron nodded towards a group of guys who were sitting in a booth in the far back of the bar.

"I did. I was supposed to bring drinks over there but I'm having more fun here.", Kameron said.

I smiled softly before shaking my head. "You don't have to stay here, enjoy time with your friends."

"Nah, they see me every day anyway.", Kameron replied.

It was silent between us so I scanned the room again to find Maddie but she was nowhere to be seen. It wasn't long until I figured out where she was when I received a text saying she left with the guy and took the car. I let out a sigh, now I needed to get a cab home.

"Everything alright?", Kameron asked.

"Uh, yeah. My friend just sent me a text that she left with the guy, with the car.", I set my phone down.

I finished my beer before I slipped off the stool and grabbed my purse.

"Well, I should get going since I have to call a cab home.", I said, a bit bummed to cut things short but I didn't want to stay in this bar if I didn't have to.

Kameron got up quickly. "Wait, uh- I was thinking maybe if you're up for it, that we could maybe leave here and go somewhere quiet? Get a bite to eat or something? I would really like to keep our conversation going."

I smiled before pulling my purse over my shoulder thinking about it for a moment. I would leave the bar as I wanted but I would still be able to keep talking to Kameron who I really wanted to finish talking to. But maybe it wasn't a great idea, what if something goes wrong and I'm stuck with him until my cab gets to where I am.

"I could take you home after.", Kameron said. "Uh- like drop you off not take you home."

I laughed before nodding.

"That actually sounds good. I could use some food and the ride.", I replied.

Kameron smiled then nodded before digging in his pocket and dropping cash on the bar. He took my hand so we wouldn't be parted as we weaved through the crowd of people. We stopped quickly to let his friends know that Kameron was leaving and they responded with whistles and cheering him on which Kameron quickly shut it down.

When we left the bar we decided to stop at a sushi place. Kameron and I drifted into a conversation about how the night had gone before we met and it wasn't a surprise to hear how Kameron's friends pressured him into going out.

"So, do you know Hank? You must if he let you into the bar.", Kameron asked.

"Yeah, my father and he are really good friends. How about you?", I asked.

Kameron nodded. "I got connections."

I laughed, "Oh, Mr. Connections.", I teased.

After we ate we decided to take a little walk around a private park nearby, Kameron was very clear that he didn't like lots of people around. It was a little uneasy at first but I got comfortable with him quickly so it didn't bother me. Kameron held my hand as we walked and honestly it was cute, I didn't expect him to hold my hand again after the bar but I enjoyed the warmth of his hand clasped in mine.

We came to a halt when we got to a small water fountain and sat on the bench, we talked about where we were from and how we grew up, we had the same things in common when it came to our childhood experiences. As we talked more I began to not want the conversation or the time we spent together to end.

I leaned back on the bench and turned to look at Kameron who was already looking at me with a smile. I returned the smile and placed my hand on his chest, he looked down at my hand before looking back at me. I felt nervous again and I wanted to move away from him but my body wouldn't let me. Slowly we inched our way closer to each other before our lips connected and moved in sync gently.

I pulled back slowly and let out a soft sigh.

"I think I'm ready to go home now.", I said.

Kameron swallowed hard then nodded.


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