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"You doing okay?"

I nod slowly, swallowing hard as I sit in the limo next to Kameron. Tonight was going to be a lot to take in, people with cameras and questions. Especially since they will see Kameron with a woman who is very pregnant. I've been up to date with some news articles about Kameron and it's been a while since he was seen with a woman in public. So we were definitely going to get attention.

"Amelia, calm down. It's gonna be alright and I read somewhere that stress isn't good for the baby.", Kameron says.

"So you're reading stuff about babies now?", I ask.

"I happened to come across a few things.", Kameron replies.

"You know we are going to be all over social media, right?", I ask.

"I've already told you not to stress about all that stuff. It's gonna be alright. We'll deal with that bridge when we come across it. Just relax and enjoy yourself tonight.", Kameron says.

Not sure how I can relax if there's going to be flashing cameras in my face. The limo comes to a stop and I can see people lined up by the entrance with big cameras. In just a matter of seconds my face is going to be all over the internet.

"You ready?", Kameron asks.

I don't answer but it doesn't matter because Kameron's door opens and he steps out. His name is being called by thousands of people but he ignores them. He bends down to look at me then holds his hand out. I swallow hard then hesitantly take his hand and he helps me out.

He wraps his arm around me and pulls to me him.

"Stay close to me. I got you, I promise.", he whispers into my ear.

I nod and Kameron turns his arm rested on the lower part of my back with a tight grip. He waves his hands at a few paparazzi then we begin to move. I place my hand on my belly in a protective manner and try to keep my eyes low.

"Kameron is that your girlfriend?", someone calls out.

"Kameron are you finally in a relationship?"

"Kameron are you expecting a child?"

"Kameron are you going to be a father?"

Questions are being yelled out and Kameron ignores every one of them. I can feel myself become uncomfortable. Kameron senses it because he places his hand on my belly. I look up at him and he gives me a small smile.

We finally walk inside the building where there's more people with cameras but they have their own set spot to take pictures. There are back drops with their logos on them.

"Kameron, come take a picture.", Katie says when we make eye contact.

Kameron and I walk over to her, his hand still on my back. He turns to me.

"Are you going to be okay for a few minutes?", he asks.

"Yeah.", I say.

He nods then walks over to Katie and wraps his arm around her as the camera guy snaps pictures, taking different shots with a few other guys snapping pictures as well. Katie walks off after sharing a few words with Kameron.

He waves his hands for me to go over to him but I shake my head. He smirks before walking over to me and grabbing my hands and leading me to the standing mark.

"Kameron.", I begin.

"They've already got pictures of us outside.", he says.

He wraps his arm around me and we take pictures. Kameron places his hand on my belly in one of the photos then does other poses. The camera guy thanks us before we move on to the next backdrop.

So much for keeping everything lowkey, Kameron doesn't seem to care that people see us together. The dress Kameron got for me doesn't help either since it's fitted, so my bump is popping out to say hello.

Once we got finished with photos, Kameron lead me to the area where everyone was. It was packed with famous people, some I recognized and others I have no idea who they are.

"Kameron.", a guy said.

Kameron turned his head then guided me to face the guy before we walked over to him. Kameron shook the guys hand before placing it back around me.

"This is Amelia, Amelia this is-"

"Tyler Bentley.", I say cutting him off.

I reach my hand out and shake his hand. Tyler Bentley is only the most famous and well known model and actor. He was very hot but in my opinion he had nothing on Kameron.

"Looks like you know your people.", Tyler laughed.

I laugh softly and nod.

"You got a little one coming, I see.", Tyler says.

I nod and place my hand on my belly.

"Amelia and I are expecting. Great yet surprising news.", Kameron says with a smile.

Tyler laughs then nods.

"Congratulations.", Tyler says.

"Thank you.", Kameron and I say in unison.

Tyler and Kameron talk for a while until Tyler is called over. He gives us a wave before walking away.

It's kind of weird to have Kameron claiming the baby when he was very upset about the whole situation. I don't mind it at all but it's new and awkward.

"Can we talk for a moment?", I ask Kameron.

He looks at me and nods. I took Kameron's hand and lead him out a door into a hallway that was quiet.

"You okay? You gotta throw up or something?", Kameron asks.

"No.", I sigh. "I am glad that you are claiming this baby as yours even when you're not sure it's what you want to do but you initial reaction to this was bad. I don't want you to feel and I don't want to feel like you're doing this because you feel like you have to.", I say.

Kameron nods slowly.

"Yeah, yeah. You're right, I-I'm trying, Amelia. I'm really trying to get a feel of how it would be if it is mine but, I don't know how to do this. I want to try but you're right. I'm doing it because I don't want to disappoint you or make you feel a certain way.", Kameron says softly.

I nod.

I take his hands into mine. "Then let's take a step at a time, okay? You don't have to claim this baby as yours until you get your results and you feel calm and comfortable about it.", I explain.

"Okay.", Kameron said.

He cupped my face in his hands and made me look at him.

"One step at a time.", he whispers.

I smile, Kameron takes a step closer to me but stops when my belly presses against his stomach. Kameron glances down and laughs softly.

"We should get back.", I say.

"Yeah.", Kameron agreed

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