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Five months later...


"I love you, Julia.", I whispered.

"I love you too.", she said back before we leaned in a kissed slowly.

"Cut!", the director said and Katie and I broke apart.

Katie gave me a soft smile. "You did good Kameron.", she said before walking away.

Katie's my Co-star and plays Julia in our new movie. I walked off the scene mark and sat in my chair before drinking some water. I felt a hand on my shoulder and turned to see Daniel.

"Hey bud.", I said.

"I think the scene went well.", Daniel said.

I chuckled before shrugging. "I guess it was okay."

I sat up straight in my chair and pulled out my phone before scrolling through social media. I looked at my page and saw that my last photo got fifty thousand likes.

"Be careful on those social media apps, last time your number got leaked.", Daniel said.

"Yeah, that was the worst. My phone wouldn't stop ringing and tons of text messages.", I laughed shaking my head.

I have been extra careful when it came to social media because I accidentally leaked my own number trying to send a private message to a potential Co-star for future projects. My messages were filled and my phone couldn't stop ringing that it nearly crashed.

"Kameron, our trailer comes out today!", Keith said walking over with Katie.

I turned my phone off and slipped it in my pocket then turned to him. 

"It does, pretty exciting.", I said.

Katie sat in a chair next to me then nodded.

"Very and we should celebrate tonight! We could go out to eat and that one steak place.", Katie said. "Daniel, Keith, are you down to go?", Katie asked.

Daniel nodded as well as Keith.

"Then it's done, we are going to celebrate!", I said.


"Think you can put in a good word for me to Katie?", Daniel asked as he checked himself out in the mirror.

"Sure, but if whatever happens between you both is between you. Do not bring me into any mess.", I said spraying cologne on me. I fixed my collar and looked at myself in the mirror to make sure everything looked good, with paparazzi everywhere you have to make sure everything looks good.

"Sure.", Daniel said.

When Daniel and I got to the place we were crowded with paparazzi and Katie came to join us. Paparazzi called for Katie and me to pose together. Katie made her way over to me and I naturally placed my hand on her back before smiling.

When we got inside people were respectful, I could see in their faces that they recognized Katie and me but they didn't rush over and ask for anything. When we got to our seats I pulled a chair out for Katie then she thanked me.

We sat down and drifted into a conversation until the waiter came to ask for our drinks. We ordered some bottles of wine to drink in celebration of the movie trailer coming out. Daniel had set his phone up to play it when it dropped, we waited impatiently until it began.

Once it was over we cheered and clinked our wine glasses together. It was an amazing feeling when something you worked hard on drops for people to see and they absolutely love it. Some people hated everything I did but I paid no attention to it.

I took my phone out and snapped a picture of all of us at the table and tagged them before posting it on Instagram. I took another picture of just Katie and me and made it as a post with the caption Celebrating our special day! The trailer is dropped so make sure you check it out. Having a wonderful glass of wine with my partner in crime.

Once I hit post it instantly blew up with likes and comments. I put my phone on silent then turned my attention back to everyone.

"Well, I got to use the bathroom.", Daniel said giving me a look before he got up.

"Same.", Keith said and went with him.

I turned to Katie who was sipping on her wine as her eyes scanned the room.

"So, Daniel, huh? He's a nice guy.", I said slowly.

Katie turned to me then smiled and nodded.

"Hm, very and he's definitely going home with me.", Katie said before taking another sip of her wine.

My eyes grew wide before I chuckled and shook my head.

"Wait, seriously? You're into Daniel?", I asked.

Katie laughed and placed her hand on my chest then smiled.

"I just admire him from afar.", Katie laughed.

I went to push more about it but Daniel and Keith came back. Daniel looked at me, I leaned back slightly and gave him the okay and he made a move to start a conversation with her.

I didn't expect Katie to be into Daniel, because he was very entertaining. He flirted with every girl but when he was around Katie, it was just her. I check my phone again to still see comments and likes going up.

After dinner there was still paparazzi outside waiting for us, I helped and made sure Daniel and Katie got into one car then Keith and I went into the other.

Once I got home I got out of my jacket and hung it up before walking to my bedroom while I began undoing my tie. Once my tie and shirt were off, I slipped out of my shoes and pants until I was only in my boxers. I walked into my shower and started it then closed the door letting the steam fill the room.

I got out of my boxers then stepped into the shower and let out a groan as the hot water hit my body easing my nerves. I ran my fingers through my hair and closed my eyes, goosebumps rolled down my arms and back. After I lathered myself with soap and got out of the shower, I wrapped the towel around my waist then walked back into my bedroom and got into some boxers before climbing into bed.

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