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My mind couldn't stop racing with thoughts of Amelia, she was so different from other girls I've dealt with, intimately and just in general. She was so easy to talk to and her personality was pure but the way she moved and was in bed was a complete plot twist.

My eyes left the road for a second as my phone began to ring. I picked it up and accepted the call to which I regretted instantly when it was my agent.

"Are you out of your mind?", My Agent, Keith asked.

"Uh, no I don't believe I am.", I replied sarcastically.

I chuckled at his groan and I could picture him nearly pulling his hair out.

"It was very dangerous to leave that bar without someone with you. Anyone could have recognized you and kill you. You know how crazy crowds can be.", Keith snapped.

"I wasn't alone, Keith. I wasn't with the people you wanted me to be with either but I wasn't alone.", I said.

Come to think of it though, Amelia didn't recognize me? Or had she recognized me and kept it under so she could get in bed with me? No, no she wasn't like that. But what if she was?

I mean, I'm on Tv and my face is on billboards to promote my new movie that would be coming soon next year. How could she not know who I was? Obviously, I avoided the career question, I didn't want Amelia freaking out and bragging that she slept with a celebrity.

"Kameron! Are you even listening to me?", He said letting out a frustrated sigh.

"No, but you got my full attention now.", I replied.

I pulled into the hotel parking lot and parked the car then turned the car off.

"You need to be in LA tonight! We start shooting and we can't start without one of our main characters.", Keith said.

"I'll be in LA tonight, don't worry. Listen, I'm at the hotel now so have the guys ready to pick me up in a few and we'll make our way to the airport now.", I said.

Keith let out a sigh of relief which made me chuckle.

"Okay, good. Who were you with last night anyway?", Keith asked.

"None of your business Keith.", I said going to hang up.

"You better not have gotten anyone pregnant.", Keith said quickly.

I stopped taken off guard then I began to laugh shaking my head.

"Keith, I didn't get anyone pregnant. We used condoms, you know? Those rubber things that prevent pregnancy.", I said.

"But those things do-"

Keith was cut off when I hung up, I got out of the car and chuckled at his comment. Amelia and I were careful, we weren't dumb enough to not use protection. A baby was the last thing I wanted right now and Amelia wouldn't purposely get pregnant because she didn't know who I was, right?


"We have to get going.", My best friend Daniel said.

I gave a warm smile to the girls who were waiting for pictures and autographs.

"I can only do one more picture. It was very nice to meet you girls.", I said before posing for a photo then waved as I walked away.

There were crowds of people calling my name and paparazzi snapping pictures as I walked onto my plane. I was guided by Daniel to first class where we sat in comfortable chairs across from each other.

"So how was last night?", Daniel asked.

"Great, actually. I enjoyed myself, what did you guys do after I left?", I asked.

Daniel shrugged. "Eh, we just ordered a few drinks and the guys called over a few girls who were very entertaining, especially in my hotel room.", Daniel wiggled his eyebrows.

I rolled my eyes shaking my head before laughing.

"I'm surprised you even left with that girl, you normally don't take women home.", Daniel said taking two glasses of champagne from the flight attendant and handing me one.

"It wasn't planning on taking her home. We got some food and took a walk. We kissed and it just happened.", I said truthfully.

Even though I didn't plan on sleeping with Amelia, I'm glad I did. But even if we didn't sleep together, I got to know a little bit more about her. I can still picture her smile whenever I made her laugh, I caught myself smiling remembering it, and quickly removed it from my face.

"Back to work.", Daniel said, as the plane began moving.

"Yeah, back to long days and countless reshooting of almost every scene.", I added.

"And paparazzi.", Daniel said.

I chuckled. "And crowds of people yelling my name and asking for a picture or autograph."

"But, more women.", Daniel smirked.

I shook my head and kicked Daniel's shoe causing him to laugh. I grabbed my hat and placed it to cover my eyes from the light that came from Daniel's open window.

"Rest up, Danny boy. We got a long day ahead of us.", I said.

My mind went back to last night and how much I really enjoyed myself. Genuinely enjoyed myself and I got to be me, not the person I have to be in front of the media. I got to talk to Amelia without her making it all about me or asking for anything. Last night was the night that I got to be normal.

I felt myself sink into a deep sleep and I didn't wake up until we landed in LA.

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