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"This was a bad idea.", I said.

"Well, it's too late. I already booked us a hotel and the email was already sent. By the way they replied.", Maddie said.

"What did they say?", I asked.

"They are setting up a meeting with Kameron and his agent for us tomorrow.", Maddie said.

This was really happening, tomorrow was going to be the day I tell Kameron about his unborn child. I began fiddling with my fingers, I let out a deep sigh.

"Amelia, it's going to be fine. You'll see him and tell him about the baby then you'll go from there.", Maddie said. She reached over and took my hand squeezing it.

"Unless he doesn't want to be in the baby's life and I'll be a single parent with no help.", I said.

"You have my help and if he doesn't want to be a father then that's on him. It's his loss and he'll regret it.", Maddie replied.

I wasn't sure about this, months ago he changed his number without even telling me which let me know that he didn't want to talk to me again. Kameron was a famous actor, he probably had girls lining up for him and about thirty other women who had his kids.

"He probably has like thirty kids already.", I sighed.

Maddie laughed before shaking her head. "Imagine that mans house if he raised all those kids.", Maddie joked.

I laughed softly. "Hopefully this is his first.", I said.

"If it wasn't then I'm sure we would know because the media knows everything.", Maddie said.

That didn't make me feel any better, everyone would know about me having Kameron's baby. Another reason why he wouldn't want to be in the baby's life. Kameron probably wouldn't get as many women as he has now with them knowing his a father.

I stared out the window as Maddie and I drove to LA. The only sound in the car was the radio playing R&B music. My mind drifted to Kameron and how I imagined everything would go down. Maybe he wouldn't push us away, he might be excited about this baby.

He was very sweet when we met and I think that he'll be accepting. He'll be a father to this baby and everything will be okay. He'd have to move in with me so that I could keep working but that shouldn't be a problem, right?

My eyes followed the road as we continued to drive. I yawned, my eyes fluttering shut slowly and the next thing I knew I woke up in L.A. 


"Maddie, I'm scared.", I muttered.

"Amelia, it's going to be okay.", Maddie said as she plopped down on the hotel bed.

I held my belly and let out a sigh, I didn't want my baby to grow up without a father. I've always pictured a small family, the average dream girl wanted. The big beautiful how with the white picket fence. My baby deserved a father who loved him or her.

"I never imagined this being the way I got pregnant and told the father.", I said.

"I know, Amy. Don't think negative, I'm sure he'll be excited about this baby and you. I'm sure you never left his mind since that night.", Maddie said.

"I doubt that, he changed his number.", I said.

"Or it might have gotten leaked. He is famous so that is very likely.", Maddie defended.

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