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"You made it!"

Natalie says with a smile, walking over to me.

"Yeah, it was a long flight.", I say with a small smile.

I follow her through the airport until we are outside in the parking lot and towards my driver's car.

"Are you ready for the big audition tonight?", Nat asks.

"I am, I think I got it.", I reply.

She nods, pulling out her phone and scrolling through it.

"I think you got it too. If not we can always wait until something opens up for a tv show.", Nat suggests.

I never thought about doing a tv show, probably because it would be my main project for however many years the show runs. It would be something I'd like to try though.

"Maybe. So, what's the plan after the audition?", I ask.

"Mhm, well, I was thinking maybe we could grab a bite to eat. You know how those things drag sometimes and I've cleared my schedule from meetings since you were coming in.", she replies.

"Sounds good to me.", I say.

My phone dings, I look down to see that it's a text from Amelia. I open it to see that it's a picture of Jaxon sleeping in his crib in his onesie that says Dad's Drinking Buddy, with a picture of a milk bottle on it. A smile instantly appears on my face.

"What are you smiling at?", Natalie asks.

"Amelia sent me a picture of Jaxon.", I say.

Natalie nods. "How is she doing after everything?"

I send Amelia a quick message saying that I miss her before looking up at Natalie, clicking my phone off.

"She's good. She's been doing really well since having Jaxon and he's doing great but that kid eats like crazy.", I say.

"I mean with your situation.", Nat says.

I scratch the side of my cheek and nod.

"We're good. I think her and I are going back to normal. I know she's not full ready yet, but she will be eventually.", I explain.

Honestly, I wasn't sure what was happening between Amelia and I but I was going to keep trying for us.

"I'm really happy for you, Kam. I'm happy for you both. However, I know she's going to kill me.", Nat laughs softly.

I chuckle and push her shoulder gently in a playful manner.

"She won't kill you. You're my manager and she knows that I don't mix business with pleasure.", I say. "You and I are cool. She will know that."

"I hope so. I don't want her to think that I want you because that conversation will be awkward.", Natalie laughs.

I nod then lean back in my seat.

"Definitely, I don't think your girlfriend would appreciate that.", I smirk.

"Nope, not one bit."

When get to my house and I walk in to see Milo, he's wagging his tail and barks before he runs towards me.

"Hi, buddy!", I say, excited to see him.

Nat laughs.

"Your  brother dropped him off earlier. I know you're going back to Amelia and Jaxon, but I thought it would be nice to see him until you're back home officially.", Natalie says.

"You're the best, Nat. I was thinking of bringing him with me actually but if we move it will be a lot of stuff to take, plus Milo along with the baby.", I say.

Natalie and I hung out at my house and tried to calm my nerves for the audition. We went over lines for a while so I could get the feel of the character. I made sure to take breaks to send messages to Amelia, which have become very flirty over the past two hours we've been messaging.

"Are you two getting spicy? I know that smile. My girlfriend makes that same smile when her and I are getting a little flirty.", Nat says.

I laugh.

"That's none of your business. We better get to the audition.", I say.

Once the audition was over, Nat and I were got a bite to eat then came back to my house.

"So, I found this cute outfit for Jaxon. Once he's here in L.A I'll give it to him. I got it in a bigger size since he'll be a few months old by the time you both come back.", Nat says.

"Oh yeah. That would be great.", I say.

We both sat across from an other at the island in the kitchen. I had cooked us up a quick steak on a loaded potatoes. Silence fell between us for a while before Nat spoke up.

"Do you love her?", she asks.


"Amelia. Do you love her?", Nat Asha taking a sip of her wine.

"I do, yeah.", I say.

I did love Amelia and I am in love with her. I pull the small box that was in my pocket and opened it setting it on the table, sliding it over for Nat to see.

"When I go back I'm asking her to marry me.", I say.

"It's beautiful Kameron. She's going to love it. I really am happy for you Kameron. I know things haven't been easy since she left but I'm really happy for you. I remember you were broken and I was here for you whenever you needed me to be. I'm really happy for you and I know she'll say yes.", Nat smiles.

"I hope she does and I appreciate you for everything that you've done for me.", I say.

I felt really good about this proposal. I couldn't wait to get back to Amelia and just wrap her up in my arms, kiss her and tell her just how in love with her I am. Not only do I miss her but I miss my son. Definitely feels like a piece of me was missing and it was the worst feeling in the world. Being away from my baby boy was something I didn't ever want to do.

"Well, I need to go home to my girlfriend. I miss get and her boobs but that's besides the point. Thank you for dinner Kameron.", Nat smiles.

I walk her out to her car then I come back inside and clean up. When I get a chance to look at my phone I see a message from Amelia.

Come home. We miss you.

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