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Kameron Montgomery and Amelia McCoy welcome their first child, baby boy, Jaxon Ryle Montgomery. "We are over the moon about our baby boy being here. Our lives have changed forever and we have so much happiness in our home." the new parents tell PEOPLE.

"They are quick huh?",I say, looking up from my phone, after reading the Instagram post from people magazine.

"It's the media.", Kameron replies.

He's feeding Jaxon and rocking him slightly. Kameron's parents are sitting down watching Kameron before his mom sighs and walks over to him and takes the baby from him.

"I want my grandson.", she says.

I smile at the sight of them. Kameron walks over to me and looks at my phone to see the post.

"We look happy with him.", he says.

"Because we are happy.", I say.

Kameron laughs and places his lips on my forehead.

"I'm just glad to finally be home. Sucks I have to leave next week but I'm taking in every moment I have with you both.", Kameron says.

I reach up and touch his face, looking at him.

"You still owe me apple juice in a wine glass since our little date thing got interrupted by our son.", I giggle.

Jaxon was now three days old and we couldn't get enough of him. Since Kameron's parents are in town they have been occupied with the baby leaving Kameron and I with some time to ourselves although we are around Jaxon most of the time to bond and love on him.

"You got it. I'll get you the best damn apple juice wine you've ever had.", Kameron jokes.

"Sounds amazing.", I laugh.

Kameron laughs, pressing his lips against mine and pecking my lips three times. It's happened often and I've let it. I couldn't bring myself to stop him because a part of me enjoys it.

"Amelia, honey, are you and Jaxon staying here?", Trisha asks.

"Yes. Kameron and I are still figuring things out and Jaxon is still too young to fly.", I say.

She nods. "Well, we want to be as close as we can to our grandson. So, if you do decide to stay here instead of moving to L.A then Ralph and I have talked about moving here.", she says.

I look at Kameron who has a surprised look on his face.


She holds her hand up to stop him.

"We want to watch our grandbaby grow up, Kam. Whatever you two are going through that's between you both. We are not going to be in the middle of it, if it means being away from our grandson.", she tells him.

"Trisha, Kameron and I are going to have a discussion about everything but for now I'm staying here. We wouldn't be able to move for at least a month, for my worry anyway.", I tell her.

"We can wait. Which is why we are soaking up our time with him now to hold us off.", she smiles.

I love Kameron's parents and I love that they want to be a part of our son's life but they have other grandchildren. I didn't want to take them away. I wasn't going to let that push my decision either.

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