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Neither Maddie nor I said a word, I let out a deep breath then wiped my tears quickly. I turned to Maddie who had a soft expression, she hugged me and held me tight. Although it was something I was afraid of and knew that it could be true it was still a surprise.

We pulled back from the hug and I placed my hand on my flat stomach. There was a life inside me, a piece of a new generation, there is a baby inside me.

"This just got real didn't it?", I said sniffling.

Maddie nodded. "Yes, but you aren't alone in this Amy. You have me and you know who the father is."

I nodded. "What if he doesn't want to be in the baby's life?", I asked.

Maddie pulled me close to her. "Then we will buy a place for both of us and we will raise one amazing kid together. Mommy Amelia and Auntie Maddie."

I smiled then hugged her tight, Maddie was my best friend since we were five years old and she has always been there for me.

"I'm so scared.", I admitted.

Maddie rubbed my back. "Me too but listen if you have a girl, girls night will be so fun.", she said trying to cheer me up.

"And if it's a boy?", I asked laughing wiping my eyes.

Maddie thought for a moment. "Well he'll be the only male exception.", Maddie smiled.

I laughed softly feeling a little bit better, I looked down at the pregnancy test to make sure that they hadn't changed. I was pregnant and the only person I slept with was Kameron.

Maddie took my hand and squeezed it.

"You don't have to tell him yet but you should only when you're ready.", Maddie said.

Would I ever be ready? It was a surprise to me and it would definitely be a huge surprise to Kameron. Although he was very sweet and gentle when we met, who knows how he would react to this baby.

"I should text him now.", I said pulling out my phone.

This is Amelia, is this Kameron's number?

I waited patiently and began to get impatient until my phone dinged.

No, sorry you have the wrong number. This is Larry.

I frowned, he changed his number and he didn't even tell me. Maddie looked at my phone at the text messages then furrowed her eyebrows.

"He did not change his number and not tell you.", Maddie said.

"Well he did.", I said standing up.

I'm hurt by it because as much as I didn't text him and avoided it, I hoped that he would reach out. Kameron completely got rid of me, he changed his number and didn't even let me know.

"It doesn't matter, I will raise this baby and he or she will be perfect.", I said

Maddie stood up and smiled then nodded agreeing. She touched my flat stomach and rubbed it gently.

"Little bean, we are going to have so much fun raising you.", Maddie laughed before hugging me.

I laughed and hugged Maddie tight, everything was going to be okay. It would have been nice to let Kameron know about his baby but I can do this. I have a good job and a house that I can raise a baby with. I have Maddie too, I know she'll try to help as best as she can but I won't expect her too.

"Amy, we have to go pick out an outfit, please? My first gift to the little one.", Maddie said.

"Maybe we should wait to see how far I am. As much as this baby was a surprise, I don't want to count my chick before it hatches.", I replied.

"Okay, fine but as soon as we are in the clear I am going to buy the cutest onesie ever!", Maddie clapped.

I laughed softly, Maddie left the bathroom to get popcorn and other stuff for movies. She said that today is a good day to have a girl's night and I think she's right. I can't be alone right now because my thoughts will take over.

I stood in the bathroom alone and placed my hands on my flat stomach. I felt tears begin to roll down my face and I sniffled.

"We are going to be okay. We're okay.", I said.


I rested my hand behind my head as the doctor squirted gel on my stomach, I jumped slightly.

"Sorry, I should have warned you it was going to be a bit cold.", she said.

"It's okay, I'm also just really nervous.", I said.

"Is this your first?", she asked as she moved the probe around.

"Yes.", I replied.

I turned my head toward the monitor and saw nothing but black and white. I tried to make out what could be my baby but I couldn't see anything. The doctor moved the probe to the lower part of my stomach and she smiled softly.

"You see this little thing right here?", She asked.

I nodded. "Yeah, is that it?", I asked.

She nodded. "That's your little baby."

I felt my tears fill with tears and I laughed softly at the sight of the tiny little thing on the screen. Something in me felt different and it was a good different. There was a soft knock on the door and a nurse came in with a file. My doctor thanked him before she opened it and smiled.

"So, you are about a month-long already.", she began as she placed the file on the table next to her and hit something on the keyboard before she took the probe off my stomach and wiped the gel off.

"A month?", I asked.

"Yes, we will schedule a day and time for your next appointment. Congratulations.", She said.

"Thank you.", I replied.

After I left the ultrasound I sat in my car staring at the pictures of my baby that the doctor took for me. There was a living human inside me, growing every day. A smile appeared on my lips, I placed the ultrasound picture in front of my steering wheel so it will always be with me.

Maybe pregnancy won't be so bad.

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