- - - The World Goes On - - -

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You might need a tissue box. 

Ladies and Gents, I am proud to announce that this is the final chapter. [There's a 2nd Book!]

So have fun, relax, and enjoy.

Also, there are a lot of time skips, just forewarning you. 

Y / N

I smiled as I closed my eyes softly and focused on Sho's smooth, crisp voice. I held the soft blanket tighter around my body and snuggled further into his warmth.

He paused his reading and looked down at me, he placed his bookmark on the page and set the book down to the side as he stroked my hair.

I sighed and relaxed impossibly more, I mumbled, "Keep reading Sho, I like listening to your voice. It's soothing."

He chuckled softly and picked the book up once more, holding it with one hand as he continued to run his fingers through my hair.

It only took a few more minutes of this for my mind to drift blissfully into sleep.


I was mercifully ripped out of my nightmare by Shoto's shaking, I closed my mouth, hoarse from breathing heavily and panicked.

He enveloped my body in his warm embrace and wiped my tears.

He reached over to the bedside table and grabbed the water bottle that he placed there before we laid down, knowing that one of us might need it. Although, it has been a while.

He kissed the top of my head and rubbed my cheek. At this point, we were both masters of soothing each other after a nightmare.

He sighed deeply, his slightly groggy voice still half asleep spoke quietly, "It's been quite a while since your last nightmare. We made a new record, what is it? Two and half weeks nightmare free?" I smiled, "Yeah, maybe now we can go at least three and half."

He chucked, "Small steps. I'm proud of you though. No matter what any says, you're a lot stronger than people give you credit for."

I sighed and pressed myself closer to him, "I only hope that I can be strong tomorrow too."

He raised my head up and kissed my lips softly. He placed his hand on my cheek, and even in the darkness, I could see the love in his eyes.

"You will be. If not for yourself, for Tadashi. Once you make these final decisions, everything will get easier, I promise." I snuggled into him and closed my eyes once more.

"I love you Sho."

"I love you more, My Love."


I twirled my hair around my finger nervously. I peeked around the stage's large curtain to see the large crowd.

I looked over to the stage at the tall podium, looking out at the audience.

I felt someone's cold hand on my back, and I smiled as I leaned into his shoulder. He pecked my cheek and grabbed my hand, giving it a squeeze.

"You got this. Don't worry! You've spoken in front of the entire world before, you can do it again." I smiled at his words, but couldn't help my anxious butterflies.

"Except I didn't make the world wait for 3 months before I said anything, everyone's impatient. I... I should have said something sooner, and I'm afraid everyone will be disappointed in me." I fanned my face to keep myself from crying, not aware that I was going to make such a large confession.

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