- - - The Forest's Shadows - - -

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The next chapter will be published tomorrow. 

I would sugge... Nevermind, Have fun. 

Shoto and Bakugou's eyes widened and I laced my fingers through Shoto's and he squeezed my hand and pulled me closer to him.

All of a sudden, Mandalay's voice filled our heads, "Two villains attacked us, it's possible more are coming. Return to camp immediately, we're regrouping. Do NOT engage any enemies!"

We all exchanged looks, and Shoto looked back at the direction of camp.

Bakugou and I looked at each other, "Let's make our way back to camp then, we don't know how many villains there are, or how strong they are. At least at camp there are several Pros that would be able to help."

Bakugou tched, but nodded.

We turned and started to head back when we heard a girl scream, and unlike the screams that filled the sky from our harmless game of haunts and scares, this one was full of real terror.

All three of us tensed and turned our heads behind us in the direction of the cry out for help.

I dropped Shoto's hand and turned to face behind us. "I know that we aren't supposed to use our quirks, that we aren't supposed to fight back... but as heroes, we can't sit here and walk away from someone inches away from demise, can we?"

I looked at both of them, they nodded in response, but Shoto hesitated. "But, what if it's a trap?" I looked at him, "And if it's not a trap, one of our classmates, no- one of our friends is in danger!" He sighed, and nodded, and we began running back the way we came, throwing away our original plan.

"What exactly are we going to do once we get there?!" I yelled between breaths.

"Stop these villain bastards!" Bakugou yelled.

Looking ahead, my heart jumped into my throat as I slid to a stop and froze. Goosebumps covered my arms and chills ran through my spine.

Bakugou lowly mumbled, "What is that?"

I shook my head and took a deep breath. The- whatever this is, is huddled over, seemingly eating something.

It shuddered, and flicked it's head over to the right, showing us it's face. Hanging from it's mouth was an arm, ripped from the body of it's owner.

My stomach churned, and I swallowed nervously to try and keep the bile from rising up my throat.

I covered my mouth with my hand, trying not to throw up, or make any noise.

Shoto sucked in a breath as it turned toward us. I realized that it wasn't a creature, or a Nomu like I first thought. It was a villain, a man.

He wore a black straight jacket, the only part of him showing was his mouth.

Which was being held open by large metal rods drilled into the side of his cheeks.

"hungry, more work, more, more, more"

The villain stood up and began sprinting at us. My heart jumped and Shoto created a large wall of ice, separating us from the villain.

I was breathing heavier now, and I put my hand on my chest, trying to calm myself down.

Panicking is the last thing I need to do. It's time to fight.

Not a moment later the ice was shattered and sprayed everywhere, we jumped back a few feet and blocked our faces from the sharp shards.

The long, jagged, white pillars that shot through the ice retracted back. I watched as the villain pulled them back into his mouth.

"They're teeth?" I whispered, mostly to myself.

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