- - - The Sharpest Knife - - -

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I ran my hand through my hair, for the fifteenth time in the past ten minutes. I held my breath as I meticulously placed a new motherboard into place.

I heard the familiar tone as Oliver began to speak, "Sir, Shota Aizawa is calling."

I groaned as I stood up and stretched my legs a bit. I wiped my hands on a nearby cloth and picked up my phone.

"Hello? Aizawa? It's definitely been a while, how've you been?" I smiled, happy to talk to the underground hero again. I started to pick up my laid out tools and place them back into their original homes.

He sighed heavily and took a moment to find his words, I picked up my hammer and moved to place it on the nearby hook. "It... could definitely be better. Listen, something has happened."

I froze midair, and my hand dropped as I set the hammer back on the stand. I gripped the edge of the table, "What happened? Is Y/n okay? What about Shoto?" My voice was filled with worry, and despite my hope for the answer to be no, I knew in my gut that that wasn't the case. Why else would he be calling?

He groaned and took a deep breath, "I don't want to beat around the bush, no she's not. Somehow, villains found the location of the camp. They attacked us, Pixie-Bob is severely injured and Ragdoll is missing. The students were in the forest playing a game made by Pixie-Bob, and they were separated and attacked." I sucked in a breath, "Are the villains still there?! Do you need backup?!"

I rushed out of the workshop and into the house, practically sprinting to reach my office. "No, the villains are gone."

I slowed my pace, and shook my head, and started sprinting again, back towards the garage, I grabbed a set of keys hanging by the door and jumped into my car. "What hospital are they in, or going to?"



"Aizawa!" I was getting frustrated by his lack of response, as I jammed the keys into the ignition.

"She's gone." I froze and placed the phone's speaker closed to my ear.

"What?" His voice sounded broken, "Tadashi, she's gone. They took her, again!"

I let out a incredulous breath. "What, no. They... they can't! That's not possible! I... You... You're lying!" I shut the car off and wiped my eyes.

"Tadashi, I'm not lying. They took Bakugou too. They're both gone."

I set my phone down on my lap and muted myself, before I punched the steering wheel and yelled. "No!"

I gripped the steering wheel tightly, and laid my head down on the top of it.

Taking a deep breath, I slowly lifted my head back up. I promised her that I'd never let them touch her again.

This may have been out of my control, but that doesn't mean I can't help now. I have to make it up to her.

I took a few seconds to compose myself and try to calm down, before I hit 'unmute'.

"Shota." I declared sternly.

"Yes?" He questioned, sensing my change in mood.

"Tell the remaining students to come to my house. I'll send you the address."

"Your house? Why? What are you planning?" I looked at myself in the rearview mirror, "They are direct witnesses. Most of them came into contact with the villains. If we can get a good image of the villain's faces, I can... use... my technology to find them."

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