- - - Blood - - -

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I wanted to get this out as soon as possible, so I didn't proof read it. If there are any typos/grammatical errors, please comment so I can fix it, thanks!

I blinked open my eyes as the warm sun rays shined through the windows onto my face.

I smiled brightly as Shoto tightened his arms around me, "Morning."

My cheeks dusted with pink at his gruff morning voice. "Good morning Shoto."

He smiled as I sat up and reached my arms above my head, stretching. I yawned, "Well, we better get ready. We have about thirty minutes before we need to be out front."

He nodded, getting out of bed and heading to the closet. I followed him to the bathroom, and brushed my hair while he got dressed in the closet. We swapped, and then brushed our teeth together. Making funny faces to try and make the other laugh.

He pulled his lips up and scrunched his eyebrows, and I couldn't help the outburst of laughter, and I choked on my toothpaste. Which made Shoto start laughing. We cleaned up and headed down to the front.

A few minutes later, Endeavor joined us, and we set out for patrol.

At the beginning I was extremely alert and ready for action, but as the day aged with no danger or horrific events, I became undeniably and inexplicably bored.

Luckily, every once and a while, a kid would get the courage to come up to us and ask for an autograph or picture. I was more than happy to oblige, providing myself a temporary distraction.

Soon we stopped for lunch, Shoto and I chatted during or break. Although Endeavour seemed pleased with our new relationship, he didn't want us to talk during patrols of it wasn't regarding hero work.

Which I understand, it'd be unbecoming of a hero to be goofing off while someone's life was in danger. But he could have been more relaxed about it.

Despite the 'no talking' rule, Shoto and I found a way to entertain ourselves, at least a little bit.

After my obvious disappointment at the sudden rule, Shoto began making silly faces every time his father's back was turned.

At first, I didn't notice it. But I soon caught it out of my peripherals and thought, "What on Earth is Shoto doing?" It took a few more times of him doing before I realized, and couldn't help the burst of giggles coming from my mouth. Which earned a sharp glare from Endeavor, but I didn't care.

From then on, we did whatever we thought would make the other laugh. Without getting caught. Which made everything more hilarious.

Quicker than I'd realized, the sun began to set above the ocean.

"Alright, as I said yesterday, we'll be traveling to Hosu after dinner. Once we arrive, we'll meet the Chief of Police for Hosu City. He has some valuable information on the whereabouts of the Hero Killer: Stain."

Shoto and I nodded, following him through the doors of a rather fancy looking restaurant.

A waitress quickly walked up to us, seemingly in a hurry. She pulled her blond hair behind her ears and walked behind the small station.

"For three?" Endeavor nodded, "Follow me to your table, please."

We sat down, Shoto and I across from Endeavor.

In seconds a tall man with slicked back hair approached us, "Hi my name is Daya, I'll be your waiter tonight. What would you like to drink?" He pointed his pen towards me, "Just some water will be fine." He quickly wrote it down and turned towards the other two, taking their orders. He clicked the pen closed, and pulled the collar of his shirt straighter. Why are all of the employees fidgeting so much? Is there something to be nervous about?

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