- - - Cuddles and Snuggles - - -

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Get yourself a bowl of popcorn and a blanket, this one is gonna make your heart melt!

I sighed happily as I bit into my ice cream, there's nowhere else I'd rather be.

I leaned my head onto Shoto's shoulder and he hummed, "Is your ice cream good, my love?"

I froze and heat rose to my cheeks, dusting them in a bright shade of pink. "M-my love...?"

He nodded, continuing to eat his ice cream as if what he said was a normal thing. "You are my love, are you not?"

He turned his face down towards me and I gulped, and nodded.

He smiled, "Good." And he placed a long, soft kiss to my lips. I felt my heart do backflips and I smiled into the kiss.

I pulled back and giggled, "If I have a pet name then you have to have one too!"

He chuckled, "I guess it's only fair huh?" I nodded resolutely, "Hmmm... I don't know, I'll have to come up with one later!"

What do you think his pet name should be? (A/n)

"All right, I look forward to hearing it."

We then started walking down the trails of the nearby park, filled with people running, walking their dogs, families going for walks, couples going on dates, and children running around playing.

It was a very friendly and welcoming park, perfect for the first real day of summer!

"Hey, do you ever watch any TV?" I asked him.

"Well, not really. I mean, I know the popular shows, and Fuyumi watches a lot of TV after school, so most of what I know is from that." He explained.

I nodded, "Have you ever seen Noon, noon, with Noona?"

For those that need translation for what the show name means, it's at the beginning of the next chapter.

He tilted his head, "Ella Hyuna's show? Of course I have. My father's been on there a few times, and many other famous people. Haven't you and your brother been on there too?"

I nodded, "Yep, and guess who's going to be the main event of Friday's show?"

He raised his eyebrows and smiled, "What for? I mean, I know you're famous and they don't really need a reason, but is there a specific reason?"

"I finished my new engine." He smiled brightly and hugged me, and lifted me into the air and spun me around. We were both laughing, "Y/n that's great!"

He then let me down and pressed his forehead against mine, "Can I see it?" He whispered excitedly.

I giggled, "Of course you can!" An impossibly bigger smile grew in his face, he grabbed my hand and thrust his arm out, "Then lead the way, my love."


We walked into the engineering room, recently named "The Genius Lab" by one of our family friends.

I pulled him over to our presentation area. It's a giant glass room that protects any pending inventions/designs from being tampered with, broken, altered, etc. Until there are more of them manufactured and sent out to the public. It also serves as an amazing place to go view finished products and show them to other people.

We fully release the details and look of the new creation at I Island. If we choose to release the invention before or after the I Island convention, we'll make a public announcement on news broadcasts and stuff.

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