- - - My Girlfriend - - -

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"You don't have to explain the rules, I know how truth or dare works."

"Well let's not waste anymore time then!"

Mina grabbed a water bottle and placed it on a book in the middle of the floor.

"I'll spin first."

With a quick flick of her wrist, the bottle went round and round, coming to a stop in front of Ochako.

"Ooh, Ochako Truth or Dare?!"

Ochako hesitated for a moment, thinking. "Hmm, truth!"

"Aw man! You're no fun!" Mina exclaimed.

"I'm not going to lose this early in the game!"

"I get it! Hmm..." Mina's contemplative face turned to a large smirk.

"So, you and Midoriya hmmm~? She asked while wiggling her eyebrows.

Ochako's cheeks immediately burst into several shades of red while some of the girls cooed and giggled at her reaction.

She quickly recovered though and leaned forwards to spin the bottle.

The game continued with a lot of laughs and excitement. Eventually though, the bottle spun my way.

"Truth or Dare, Y/n?" Momo asked.

"Uh... truth?" I said uncertaintly. I don't want to end up with a super hard dare or have to do something embarrassing. What she asked next was not what I was expecting.

"What was it like?" She asked. I tilted my head in confusion, "What do you mean?"

"Living with villains. You stayed with them for the better part of a month, what was it like?" I didn't know what to say, I froze up as I replayed her words in my head.

"Hey, I don't think-" Ochako started, until I cut her off.

"It's fine. I haven't talked to anyone about it since the police asked me for a report two years ago. I don't know how specific you want me to go, but I doubt 'it sucked' is a good enough answer for you.

The scariest part was when I was first taken. I didn't know what was going on, where I was going, who was taking me. I knew they were bad, but as someone who experiments in engineering, you're always taught to be cautious of the unknown. You never know what could happen.

The League of Villains, the people who attacked us at the USJ, have a boss. His name is All For One. He is the one that makes the Nomus, I was taken to him.

He wanted to kill me and my family. To end the Fukuhara bloodline."

"Why?' Ochako asked.

"Well, he wanted to have the most power in the country. If he was going to accomplish that, he would have to get rid of the people already holding that claim.

Unfortunately, he almost achieved that. I don't remember all parts of that night, my mind forced me to forget to block out the trauma. But I remember my parents faces right before they died. And I remember screaming, even when I didn't mean to. And I remember All Might grabbing and dragging me away to safety."

A strange tension filled the room, they didn't know what to say. Tsu spoke up first.

"I'm sorry. I'll never truly know how you feel, but I can sympathize with you situation. If you ever need a friend, I'll be there."

A chorus of 'Me too!'s rang around and I smiled. It's nice to have people you can trust.

We then moved onto some more gossiping and went to the kitchen to grab some snacks before we crash onto the bean bags to binge a Netflix show.

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