- - - I Swear Red Vented! - - -

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Hey, you remember that guy I went on a date with? Yeah, we went on another date. And we hung out. And now he's my boyfriend. So that's fun. 

Also, if you're not already, please follow me so you can receive notifications when I make announcements about this book! (You don't have to obviously, but it'll keep you updated!)

You guys ready for some Tea?


Y / N

I smiled brightly into Tadashi's shoulder as he hugged me tightly. "That was amazing Y/n! You were captivating!"

Then he smirked, "Now it's time for me to show you up!" I pushed his shoulder, "Uhuh! I'd like to see you try!"

He chuckled, then raised his brow, "How'd you do that phone trick?" I smiled and shrugged, "I don't know, I'm just magical."

He shook his head, smiling, "Tell me later, I gotta go below. Your seat is next to Shoto's, front row." I nodded and he walked away.

I exited the stage and walked down the row, quickly finding Shoto and making my way to him.

I sat down next to him and he immediately hugged me, "You are incredible." I giggled and kissed his cheek. "So are you."

"I'll admit, I do have a bit of stage fright, watching you up there was making me nervous. But you looked so flawless and elegant. For a second I forgot that I actually know you."

The lights dimmed in and out, signaling ten minutes before Tadashi's presentation. I felt my heart beat with anticipation and excitement, I grabbed Shoto's hand to keep mine from shaking and I bounced my leg up and down.

"Hey, relax, everything will be fine." I turned to him, "I know it will be, I'm so excited I don't know where to put my energy. I've been waiting for this moment for months, I can't wait!" Shoto chuckled, "You're adorable."

My brain didn't even process his compliment and I stared at the timer counting down. Just ten minutes left.

But those minutes felt like hours, and when it finally came down to ten seconds, I'm pretty sure I stopped breathing.

"10, 9, 8, 7..."

The lights all turned towards the stage.

"6, 5, 4, 3, 2..."

I could see the lift begin to move upwards as the top of Tadashi's hair showed through.

"1!" He rose above, and following the crowd, I clapped until my hands were red.

Tadashi smiled brightly, waving to the crowd. A few seconds later, the clapping ceased and Tadashi shook his head. "That was quite the presentation my sister had. It's going to be hard to beat!" A few people cheered and others laughed.

"How are all of you tonight? Good?" Everyone cheered once more and he clapped his hands, "Good! It's easier to work with a happy crowd!" People chuckled, "Well let's get to business shall we?"

He snapped his fingers, the lights dimmed and a hundred different projections lit up across the stage, and above the audience. An audible "Woah" was heard throughout the stadium.

"I've built many things. Small things, big things, simple and complex. The majority of these are Pro hero support equipment."

The projections all disappeared, seeming to fly down into the ground. All but one.

"Pro Hero 13's Spacesuit!"

Then it disappeared and another projection came back to life.

"All of Edgeshot's katanas."

✔ The Racing Hero: O6! | BNHA | Todoroki x ReaderDonde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora