I still don't agree with Error destroying Aus but I think I'm getting to him with my friendship, he'd usually go on a destroying rampage when he was emotional but now days he would come to me
I can probably save the multiverse if I can help Error, Something bad must've really happened to him to make him want to Destroy Everything

I also hope Papyrus learns to forgive and forget..I want him to love that Sans just as much as he loved me..Don't need anymore weird timelines from Underswap

I shivered as I thought of Yandberry..

We sat in Outertale, gazing at the stars.. Were usually glad for times like this, Mobs of monster and humans would chase Error, trying to kill him. I wish Error could be open to people and help them understand so they can help him..

Speaking of mobs..

We could hear angry chattering from afar.. Our time of relaxation would end soon..

Error sighed as he placed his half finished puppet of me down "I'm sorry we can't hang anywhere anymore.. They want me, you can stay here if you want"

I smiled "You're so sweet, but I'm good, I still wanna hang with you!" He smiled back. Aw I love it when he smiles..

"You're right, If we wanna hang here we can! We just need to hide for a bit, then meet back here when they're gone" I nod. Error grabs his things and runs off. I go the opposite direction.

Error's POV

They always ruin my time with blu- I mean Berror..

Sigh' his name is barely changed and it sounds too close to..to blueberry.

He wants me to be happy around him and I want to, I really do..but I cant, I know it's my fault..

If I would've just let him go..I wouldn't feel like this a-and he wouldn't look like....a glitch..like me

I pull my knees up to my chest as I hid in a shed in town..A small window alowed some light of the stars in..

I gazed at the stars through the small frame..I wipe a tear that came down my cheek..

....I suddenly felt a presence with me

I look up and around the barely lit shed "Who's there?"

Purple eyelights then looks up at me..It glimmered as the light outside shone through the small window


"Who are you?" must be someone from a different au, the papyrus and sans of the universe doesn't have purple eyelights

It got quiet for a sec but then they answered "I'm Dawn.." their voice was soft and mellow, like a caring mother, but I could tell it was a guy..he kinda sounded a little like blue use to

"I'm Error, you probably already heard of me..I understand if you hate me.."

Dawn shifted around through the dark, What I can tell, it sounded like they were turning to face me..

"I don't know you..Why would anyone hate you?" Dawn's voice sounded as if it sweetened

"Not important, probably best if you didn't know...What au are you from? Never heard of Dawn sans before?"
I squint my sockets, trying to see with my already horrid eyesight..

"My Au was destroyed..I roam alone now.."

Oh..he must've got away if I did it..guess I'll put Dawn on my persons life Ive ruined list..

"How did your au get destroyed?" I wonder if he knows..

"It was destroyed by a series of events that took place in the au..lets just say, I really don't like bullies" one  of Dawn's eyelights seemed to glow teal

Oh..so it wasn't me..cool

"What au are you from?" his sweet voice asked, I froze for a second

"I don't know.. don't remember anything except for waking up in an all white void..that's my past.."

We got quite for a while

Berror's probably waiting for me..
But this Sans' aura makes me want to stay..

"I have to go, someones waiting for me" I stood up and brushed my clothes down..

"Y-you're leaving already? Will you come back?"

I smile a little "Yeah, I come here often to gaze at the stars, We could hang if you're around..see ya" I wave then teleport back to my spot

Berror was there waiting for me, fast asleep..

Sigh' he didn't have to stay

I pick him up, open a portal back to the antivoid and left outertale..

Nightmare's POV

I stand up in the small shed and brush off my clothes. My eyelight glows teal as my goopy substance covers my weaker body once again..

This...This is how I get closer to him..

He doesn't trust me as Nightmare but as my passive form..or more known as Dawn..I can get closer to Error

....to find out his weaknesses of course. Nothing else..

His downfall will be my victory

Once I defeat Error, then Dream, the multiverse will be mine..

I teleport back to my base, I sat on my chair, while smiling.

"Did you have fun with your boyfriend?" I turned around to face Dust.

I glare at the smugging hooded skeleton "Excuse me?"

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