Chapter 21: I Was Attacked

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Your eyes went wide as you watched Galley. He began marching forward, his arm raised to hit you.

Cringing, you squeezed your eyes shut, waiting for the pain you knew was coming.

And waiting.

And waiting.

When it didn't come you opened your eyes again to see Newt standing in front of you, his arm wraped around you protectivly. In front of Newt, between you and Galley, was Minho. He had caught Galley's arm and was holding it in place, giving Galley the coldest look you had ever seen.

Galley was glaring right back but you knew Minho, he wasn't going to back down.

"Keep your shuck hands off," Minho whispered. His quiet was more intimidating than yelling would have been. His anger was more impactfull when he had control of it.

"Sidown Galley." This time it was Newt. You could tell by his face that he was done, and when Galley opened his mouth to speak Newt wasn't having it. "Sit down," he spat.

Galley snarled and jerked his arm away from Minho. Fuming, he stomped to a chair, still glaring at you from across the room.

Newt watched as Galley took his seat and then turned to Minho. He nodded slightly towards you, and Minho nodded back in understanding.

Without a word Minho pulled a chair to your other side, sitting close and leaning towards you protectivly.

Once he saw you were safe Newt turned and addressed the rest of the room.

"Right, now that we've gotten that over with we can start the shuck meeting.

As many of you may know Y/N hasn't been awake the past 9 days. You're all here so she can tell us what happened and we can come up with a suitable punishment for the shank who did this to her.

Now Alby's still workin through the changing so I'm in charge, and I say Y/N has been through enough klunk the past few days. So if any one of you so much as looks at her in a way I don't like, you'll be spending a night in the slammer."

He turned his full attention on Galley, stairing him down as he asked, "Is that clear?"

A few keepers mumbled, "Clear"

"Good that, glad we got that all cleared up."

Newt turned his attention to you, taking his seet.

"Go ahead love, tell'em what you told me."

You heard all of this but you weren't really listening. Your attention was trained across the room on Galley.

He was glaring daggars at you but you refused to look away. Like if you took your eyes off him for a second, if you let down your guard, it could all happen again.

He could over power you again. He would be kissing you again. You would be attacked and you wouldn't stand a chance.

You couldn't move, you couldn't fight back. Gosh you weren't even able to walk yourself from your room to this gathering. You had never been more of an easy target than you were right then.

You were colapsing in on yourself, trying to take up as little space as possable, trying to dissapear. The shaking had started again, as soon as Galley walked in.

I'm safe, you tried to tell yourself. Newt promised to protect me, nothing's going to happen. I'm safe.

It wasn't working.

The look on Galley's face reminded you of everything that had happened, and no matter how hard you faught against it you were back. You were in the dead-heads and the maze.

You were reliving it all.

You were hiding behind that tree again. You heard his cold laugh as he pulled you close. You felt his lips smashed against yours. You were traped and powerless all over again.

You remembered the fear as you tried to run and felt fathom pains as you relived his beating.

'Your story won't have a happy end.' You saw him running at you again. 'I tried to be nice!' Your head throbed anew at the memory and suddenly you were in the maze.

You were limp and useless on the ground. You screamed for help.

Whirr... Click, click.

You felt the surge of terror you had experianced in the maze as you tried to run. You felt the greiver sting and the changing after that.

All of it. You remembered all of it and it was all because of Galley. Galley who was now sitting right across from you.

You couldn't speak, you could hardly breath for fear. Again, it would all happen again. You couldn't do it again.

Not again. Please not again. Please

Your panniced spiraling thoughts were interupted when you heard your name. You blinked hard and you were back.

No longer in the maze you were in the homestead, looking into Newt's worried face.

"Y/N? Y/N!"

You looked around the room panicked. It had seemed so real. It had all been so real.

You shook your head to try and clear it looking back at Newt.

"Y/N? Are you allright love?" He pushed your hair out of your face, looking about as scared as you were.

You could still feel Galley's eyes on you and you whimpered. You pressed your face into his hand as you felt a tear slip down your cheek.

He wraped you in a hug holding you tight.

"Hey, hey it's allright remember? You're safe now."

He held onto both of your hands, rubbing his thumb over your knuckles adsently.

"You are so brave," he whispered. "I'm right here and I know you can do this. Just tell them what you told me. Tell them all what happened, and we will make sure it never happens again."

You sucked in a shuttering breath looking him in the eye. You nodded shakely looking from Newt to Minho.

They would protect you. You knew that. And so long as they were here Galley didn't stand a chance.

You were no longer an easy target. You had friends who were standing by your side. Galley didn't know what he had gotten himself into.

Galley couldn't do anything to you, not here. Right now, you had the power.

You looked from your friends to Galley.
You watched him sit there, grinding his teeth and trying to look intimidating but rather than seeing a big tough man you should be afraid of, he looked more like a child pouting in time out.

You really were safe and you weren't afraid of this bully any more. You were mad.

He had made you feel vulnerable and powerless for so long. Now his fate was largly up to you. He had told you your story wouldn't have a happy ending but for the first time in a long time, you had the power to change that. You were incharge of your own story.

You sat up streight in your chair, no longer wanting to dissapear. You squaired your shoulders and held your head high, your hand still in Newt's.

You looked Galley streight in the eye and announce to your audiance, "I was attacked."

*You guys should vote and comment and stuff. That'd be pretty cool.

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