Chapter 11: The Maze

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When you woke up your ears were ringing, your head was pounding and everything hurt. You moved your head to look around and were rewarded with a white hot pain shooting down your back. You breathed in sharply, pushing yourself up into a sitting position.

You looked around, moving your head as little as possible. You saw huge stone walls towering in every direction. You were in the maze, at least you were; you had never actually been here before.

You looked down and saw you were covered in your own blood. How had you gotten here?


Just the thought of him brought the bitter taste of bile into your mouth. He must have taken you into the maze, the little piece of klunk!

You tried to stand but couldn't push yourself more than a few inches off the ground before the pain of movement took over and you dropped again.

"Think, how do I get out of here."

You leaned your head against the wall and looked up at the sky, it was still day but definitely late. You needed to get out soon. You knew you had no chance of surviving the night, not like this. You needed help.

Your head was spinning but you pushed through thinking, "Who would be in the maze? Minho!" If Minho was still in here maybe you had a chance.


You screamed

"Heeeeelp! Minho! I need help!"

You lowered your head into your knees exhausted and listened for any sign of him answering but that's not what you heard. Instead you heard the clanking of metal agent stone.

Your head snapped up and you saw a silhouette of a creature, a monster; it was a griever. You froze in fear, you knew you wouldn't be able to run if you tried. You stared wide eyed as it came slowly closer,, click......... whir..... click, click.

You tried desperately to stand and run but you fell again in a heap on the ground.

This was a mistake.

The creature saw you and roared, coming at you far faster than it had been before. You scrambled away from it trying to run or hide. Your eyes locked on the blades all over its body.

This is it, this is how you die. You closed your eyes waiting for the raw sensation of the blades tearing through your skin but it never came. Instead you felt a needle puncture deep into your side. You thought you had gotten off easy, this was no worse than a shot, until it injected whatever was in the syringe.

It felt like it was pumping liquid pain into your side. You screamed, the sound tearing from your throat and radiating through the maze corridors all around you. The creature pulled its serenge from your middle and skittered off down the hall.

You gasped and choked on air unable to catch your breath. You were twitching and convulsing in a puddle of blood, you had lost all control over your body and there were tears streaming down your face as you tried to breath. You were gonna die in here. You closed your eyes and wished for sleep but it wouldn't come, you were in too much pain.

You lay your head against the cold stone floor and listened, waiting for the grever to come back and finish the job. Instead you heard Minho's voice

"Y/N!" he called "Are you out here?! Y/N"

"Help." You called weakly, "I'm here."

You could hear his heavy footfalls and labored breaths long before you could see him.

"Shuck!" he whispered, staring at the blood everywhere. "Y/N we need to get you out of here, can you walk?"

"N-no, I can't m-move."

You were still twitching and shaking.

"Ok I'll have to carry you."

Minho sighed and picked you up bridal style. You winced hard but you weren't sure he could even tell over the twitching. He looked up at the steadily darkening sky

"Shuck" he whispered under his breath "We need to get you out of here."

He started sprinting back the way he had come with you in his arms.

"Minho?" you whispered.

"What?" he asked, breathing heavily.

"I think I'm gonna pass out again."

"Don't do that Y/N. Y/N don't black out on me. Hold on."

"I'm sorry." you said quietly and slipped back into the dark void.

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