Chapter 26: First steps

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You woke up the next morning to a peaceful, quiet room. You sat up and let out a little sigh. It had been a long time sense you'd last woken up alone and in the quiet.

Gently, you swung your legs over the edge of your bed. You were so tired of that bed. It was high time you were up and walking again.

Your feet softly touched to the ground and you took a deep breath to steady yourself before pushing off. Everything was sore and stiff. It hurt but up and hurting was better than down and numb. You grimaced as you slowly straightened up.

You were doing it! You were standing by yourself, no crutches required!

Another deep breath and you took a step forward, only to have your knees buckle. You landed in the ground with a resounding thud.

There were hurried footsteps in the hall before Clint burst through the door.

"Gosh Y/N, I leave you alone for 5 minutes." He rushed to your side and helped you sit back on the bed. "Stay here. Newt wanted me to get him once you were up."

You chuckled weakly "Of course he did."

Clint shook his head and laughed too, quietly shutting the door behind himself. About a minute later Newt wrapped softly on the door frame.

"You alright in there love?"

You sighed, "I'm fine. Just sick of sitting."

He crossed the room, kissed your head and sat by you. "So I've heard. You want to try again?"


You had been on bed rest for literally as long as you could remember and you were so over it by now. You looked up at him and he smiled.


He stood and offered you his hand. You took it and held on tight. He used his other hand to support your back and together you stood up. Pain shot through your legs as you put weight on them. You winced and leaned onto Newt breathing heavily.

"It's okay love. I know it hurts but you're so strong. You're going to be fine." He held you steady and you nodded into his chest. "Let's get you some help, see what Clint can do okay?"

"Okay" you whispered.

Newt called for Clint and you all spent the next few hours coming up with bandages and braces that would let you move around a bit. The braces were bulky but they supported your knees and a hand held crutch took weight off of your legs. It wasn't pretty but hopefully you'd be able to stand now. It was time to test to know for sure.

"Alright Y/N. Easy does it." Newt stood in front of you but gave you enough space. He was there if you needed, but he knew you'd have to do this next bit on your own.

You looked up at him and took a slow deep breath. Gently, cautiously, you pushed yourself from the bed again, this time bracing yourself with the crutch.

"Breathe love."

Pulling in another breath you strengthened to your full height. You looked up at Newt and let out a giddy little laugh.

He smiled his perfect smile. "You did it!"

You nodded excitedly, "I did it!"

He took a few small steps backwards and held out his arms, nodding at you encouragingly. "Come here."

Your face became somber and focused. It was only a few feet but walking was a huge barrier. You nodded, determined, and shifted forward.

Left foot
Right foot

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 17, 2022 ⏰

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