Chapter 20: You're Awake!

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He smiled proudly down at you offering a small reasuring nod. Gently he wraped his arms under your legs and behind your back, holding you bridal style.

You leaned into him, taking all the support you could get.

He was as gental as he had been your verry first day in the glade. His touch didn't hurt where you knew it should have as he carried you out the door the same way he had done for your tour.

He broubt you out the door and down the hall to the main room of the homestead. As he steped through the doorway and every head turned to him, every eye landing on you.

There were subtle gasps all around the room and you looked up to see a mix of both excited and confused faces. The few boys who were early seemed, for the most part, happy to see you.

Particularly Frypan who shouted, "Y/N! You're awake!" With a huge goofy grin on his face.

You smiled at him as enthusiasticly as you could manage. You hadn't really moved but you wete exausted. No longer trying to help Newt carry you you rested your head against his chest, trusting him fully.

He carried you briskly to the head of the room, setting you down on a chair. He made sure you were comfortable and not going to fall off. Once he was sure you were situated he grabed a chair and pulled it up next to you.

He leaned towards you and you gratefully rested your head against his shoulder, letting him suport your weight. Your heavy eyelids pressed shut and you didn't fight it. You didn't sleep but you rested, feeling totaly safe so long as Newt was there.

You listened with your eyes closed as keepers continied trickling in. Slowly the room filled with chatter, all the boys talking amongst themselves. You caught snippets of conversation, most of wich was about you, but you didn't care to pay close attention to any of it.

When your eyes finally did open you glanced around the room, noting Minho standing rather protectivly behind you.

You smiled up at him, hoping it would help calm your nervs. Your hands were shaking and you were fighting hard to keep your breathing even.

Minho offered a small smile back and that did help a little. You reached for Newt's hand, longing for any support your friends could offer.

Newt grabed ahold of your hand, easily slipping his fingers between yours. That helped to slow the shaking as you continued assessing the room.

As you looked more closely you realized Galley wasn't the only one missing. You leaned over to whisper to Newt.

"Newt, where did Minho say Alby was?"

Newt paused for a second seeming to consider how much to tell you now. He finally leaned closer and whispered, "I'll fill you in after love. It's been a busy few days."

You looked up at him and offered a tiny nod. He smiled down at you, squezing your hand gently.

The white noise that had been building sudenly cut off, leaving the room in uncomfortable silence. You looked up to see what the matter was and instantly understood.

There, standing in the doorway, looking ready to kill, was Galley.

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