Chapter 14: Asleep

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You've been floating in darkness for who knew how long. You remember blacking out in Minho's arms but you haven't opened your eyes sence. You assumed you were still alive because in the back of your mind, you could still feel the pain of the gashes all down your back and the venom from the griever sting slowly working its way through you.

If this was death, it sucked.

The dark inky blackness around you felt almost tangible as you swam through, and every now and then it would thin just enough for you to hear voices talking to you or feel someone holding your hand, but the pain that came with those little bursts of consciousness was horrible. You always ended up retreating back into your own mind, wishing away the pain, but it never left. Instead it came in waves, pulsing through your whole body. You refused to let yourself yell or cry though. You were strong, you had to be strong.

You continued to drift in and out of consciousness for 2 days? 3? Time was funny. You honestly had no idea how long it had been. All you knew for sure was that you hurt, everywhere.

That was the only thing that seems real to you, pain. Until you heard a calm voice. Someone was whispering to you.

Somehow you knew it had to be Newt and you strained to hear what he was saying. To let him know you were ok.

You heard what he was saying as if from a long distance. It was murky and the words were jumbled and his accent didn't help but you understood the basics.

You had been asleep for 3 days, everyone was worried about you and Clint says it's time to give you the serum. But the one thing that he stressed more than anything else was that he believed in you, he knew this would be hard but he also knew you could do it.

He went quiet and what felt like seconds later but very well could have been hours you felt the sharp pain of a needle in your arm. You heard Newt whisper "I'm sorry Y/N" before the serum was injected.

As you felt the serum being pushed into your system you saw a small crack appear in the total darkness around you. It grew and split your world down the middle letting streams of light shine through. The crack continued to grow, branching off and streaking through the murky waters that had held you prisoner for days.

The light grew with the crack until all at once the darkness shattered and memories you didn't know you were missing began playing themselves in front of you. One after another, sometimes multiple at once, cutting each other off before they could finish.

You saw your past, or what you assumed was your past but everything felt off. Too loud and too bright.

The memories swarmed around you and it was too much, the color and the confusion and the noise. It all came down on you at once and you curled in on yourself trying to escape it, but there was no escaping your own mind.

You could feel your body tremble and you wanted to yell and scream and beg for help but you stopped yourself. You knew it would hurt Newt to see you like that so you held back.

Your lips parted and a small whimper escaped you before you felt the tears start.

They rolled down your face warm and wet and you could feel them trickle into your hair wetting it slightly. You tried but couldn't stop them. This was all too much, you needed help.

That's when you felt Newt's hand gently wipe away your tears. It helped just to know he was there. You could hear him softly shushing you and feel him running his fingers through your hair gently. He held your head in his lap and that touch calmed you.

Though you were still trembling and crying you were able to focus. You thought of what he had told you just a little while ago, about how he believed in you and how he knew you could pull through. This gave you the strength to push through until the memories slowly stilled and your mind became quiet.

You could still vaguely feel your self trembling and the tears hadn't stoped spilling down your face but instead of trying to control your body you dove deeper into your own mind. Using all the strength you had left you started picking through your head trying to figure out a timeline.

The new memories you had received began sorting themselves in your head. There were still huge gaps in your memory but the most important stuff was all there.

You had glimpses of your childhood. You saw your parents and remembered your father. The man with blue eyes and the warm smile. You saw him singing with you and teaching you guitar. That memory made you happy until you remembered watching him turn insane, and watching the light go out in his eyes once he had a bullet in his brain.

You remembered being taken away by WICKED and just thinking the name sent tendrils of fury coursing through your veins. You remembered life before the maze and you saw how your dreams fit into it all.

You remembered Thomas and Chuck and Minho and Newt. You remember watching WICKED hurt your friends and you saw yourself fight back. You felt the pain of tests and experiments all over again even though you knew it was all in your head.

You remembered helping to design the grievers and the maze, but most importantly you remembered designing the maze exit. You knew the way out.

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