Chapter 24: Thomas

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Your eyes snaped open at the sound of the doors closing. You rolled slightly, shifting just enough to see Newt. He was still in the bed next to you, one arm wraped comfortably around your middle.

He smiled down at you whispering, "Good morning love."

You smiled back, completely content before the doors smashed shut, sending a loud boom radiating through out the glade. The loud noise broubt you back to reality and you were sudenly very awake. You sat straight up and looked back at Newt.

"Does that mean I can talk to Thomas now?"

"I supose it does. Do you want me to go get him love?"

You thought for a moment and the answer was no. No you didn't want him to go. You wanted to stay just like this forever but you knew that wasn't an option.

You sighed and rested your head back on his shoulder. "No, not realy. I want to stay here but I'm sure you have a few thousand other things you need to be doing right now."

He chuckled and wraped his arms around you, gently kissing the top of your head. "Actually, Alby's up and about so now he has a couple thousand things he needs to get done. I'm off the hook and I can see no better use of my time than to spend it with you."

He held you tightly and you leaned into his support.

"Just let me know when you're ready and I'll go get Thomas for you. I'm gonna make sure you're all right, Ok?"

You nodded into his chest and took a slow deep breath. You wanted this feeling of peace to last but you needed answers. You closed your eyes tight, soaking in the feeling of safety he offered for just one more moment, before you forced yourself to push away.

You looked him in the eye and quietly said, "I'm ready. I need to talk to Thomas."

"All right. You remember the signal, just in case?"


He nodded and sliped out from under the covers. Walking quickly to the door he turned, "I'll be right back."

You offered a small smile and a nod and watched him disappear behind the door.

You let your head fall back onto the pillow, inspecting the wood boards of the ceiling. You're muscles felt heavy and weak. You were still totaly exhausted from the changing.

Slowly, you strugled to sit up. This turned out to be a lot harder without Newt's support. It took all of your stregnth to push yourself upright, your body trembling with the streign but you manadged, sliding your body back to lean against the wall.

You rested your head on the wood behind you and took a moment to catch your breath.

Hey! Earlier today you definately couldn't have done that. That's progress!

It was a small victory but it felt good to be in control again, even in this small way. A grin split across your face as your breathing slowed back to normal.

The sounds of hushed, worried conversation coming from down the hall drew your attention. You looked over your shoulder in time to see Thomas and Newt walking in side by side.

Your breath caught at the sight of them.

That was exactly what they looked like before. Before the maze and the Glade. They used to be inseparable. You remembered all of this so clearly, but neither of them did. They might as well have been strangers for all they remembered and the thought suddenly made you increadibly sad and you were surprised to realize, angry.

You hated them. WICKED, you hated them for doing this to kids, to your friends. You hated them.

You felt your hands curl into fists but you forced them to relax, woried Newt might mistake that for the signal. You didn't need out of this one, you needed answers. You needed to talk to Thomas.

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