Chapter 15: That Wish Was Granted

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Newt's POV

Today is day 9 without Y/N and she has officially finished the changing. The dark viens have been faiding for days now and were completely gone late last night. Not only that but this morning the shaking stoped, now it just looks like Y/N is sleeping and Clint says she should wake up any day now.

I cant wait. Without Y/N it feels like the whole glade is spiralling out of control.

We got a new greenie 2 days ago and over that short time we've had a gathering and a banishment.

Ben, the boy I've been helping with, the one who got stung, he was released from the homestead the day after the greenie got here. He attacked Thomas and tried to kill him.

We banished him a day later. He's dead, but it had to be done. If we let shanks like him get away with that kind of klunk we would have no chance at order.

Order is our only hope at this point, I told Thomas as much earlier today.

He keeps talking about how he wants to be a runner. I actually thought he might have a chance his first 30 seconds or so, before he face planted that is. After that it was pretty clear he didn't have what it takes.

Alby, Minho, Clint and Chuck all tried to convince me to show him around and help him find a job, but after the first day or so I pawned it off on Chuck. Y/N could wake up any day now and I want to be here when she does.

That next morning, that wish was granted.

Your POV

Everything hurt. That's the only thing you knew for sure, that you hurt. Not even time seemed real.

You knew you had been sorting through your own mind for days at least. Could it have been weeks? You had no way to track time inside your own head.

Really the only proof you had that time hadn't stopped all together were the short bursts of consciousness, when the darkness would thin just enough for you to hear people talking or register the soup you were being fed.

The pain that came with wakefulness was awful but it was worth it for the satisfaction and hope it gave you. They hadn't given up on you. You were going to wake up.

You continued floating through your own mind until you felt a pull. A small tug towards light and sound. You followed until you knew you were awake. You braced yourself for the pain you had come to expect but it didn't come.

Instead you felt pressure on your hand and heard a voice speaking to you. You felt another hand cup your cheek and brush the hair from your face. You didn't have to open your eyes to know it was Newt.

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