Chapter 1: The Box

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Disclamer: I can not and will not take credit for any character or setting in this story. That all came from the amazing and tallented James Dashner is his book "The Maze Runner," all I did was put you in the middle of it all. That being said I hope you all enjoy my first ever fanfiction!

You woke up gasping for air, it felt like you had never breathed before. You coughed and sputtered for a bit but eventually you found an even rhythm to your breathing.

Once you had your breathing under control you looked around. It was so dark in this... wherever you are. You honestly couldn't tell if you had opened your eyes or not. You searched for any light at all you could use to get your bearings. Your eyes gravitated to a red pinpoint of light high above you. It cast an eerie red glow around the space.

Your eyes adjusted and you could see you were in a metal box.

No, people aren't held in boxes, you were in a cage.

Your heart rate sped up and the slow breathing you had worked so hard on went out the window.

"Stop it!" you scold yourself. "As of right now I'm totally safe, calm down."

You forced yourself to stay calm and look around. The space around you wasn't empty. You saw boxes and crates all around. As you reached up to grab hold of the one closest to you and pull yourself up, you quickly noticed your hands were tied together.

You readjusted and saw your feet were bound too. You had been too panicked to notice before but not only were you tied up you looked like you had just been in a fight. There were scrapes and bruises all up and down your arms and legs. You gasped a little at the sight of your own torn up skin but before you had time to panic you shook your head and refocused.

A bit off balance, you managed to pull yourself up right and leaned over the crate. Maybe there was something in there you could use to free yourself.

Slowly, you cracked the box open and looked inside. It was full of clothing. All boys' clothing by the looks of it. You moved on to the next box.

This one was full of food and cooking utensils, including a sharp kitchen knife. You used it to cut the rope holding your hands together and bent down to do your feet.

As you did the light above you suddenly turned green and the cage started moving up, fast.

You weren't prepared for the sudden movement and you lost your balance falling over and cutting your left leg with the knife.

You cried out in pain and felt your chin start to tremble.

"Don't even think about it!" You told yourself. "Don't you dare cry, you're better than this."

You took a deep breath and finished cutting the ropes off your ankles.

You could see you were bleeding pretty bad so you went back to the first box and grabbed a shirt. Using it to apply pressure to your gash you hobbled over to the corner of the box.

You slid down and put your head on your knees. You weren't crying, you were thinking.

"How did I get here?" you asked yourself.

You were startled to realize you didn't remember. You couldn't remember anything.

You desperately searched for anything, anything at all you could remember about your past but whenever you got close to a memory it would slip away. The only thing you could remember was your name, Y/N. You clung to that little piece of your past like a lifeline.

You were trembling hard. You told yourself to stop but this wasn't just fear, you were getting dizzy, something was wrong. You looked down at your leg and saw you had bled through your makeshift bandage. That cut must have been deeper than you thought.

You curled up in the corner of the box. You felt yourself starting to lose consciousness when the box stopped moving.

You fought to stay awake and listened. You could hear voices coming from outside.

You tried to pull yourself up to defend yourself. You didn't know who was out there.

You pushed yourself up onto your elbows but slipped on your own blood and hit your head on the cold metal floor.

"Help" you whispered.

That was as loud as your voice would go. Your head was spinning, you were scared and all you wanted to do was give in to the blackness and leave.

The top of the box opened and light streamed in. You closed your eyes and curled tighter in on yourself. You were barely conchas at that point and fading fast.

The last thing you heard was a boy with a british accent saying, "A girl? It's a bloody girl!"

You faintly registered him pushing your hair away from your face before you were out cold.

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