Chapter 9: Voices In Your Head

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Everything was going to be alright. Newt wasn't going to tell anyone and it felt good to trust someone else for a change. You walked together through the deadheads quietly, both limping slightly. You stopped at the edge of the trees and looked up at him. Taking a deep breath you ask

"Do I look like I've been crying?"

"No love, you look wonderful. Are you gonna be alright?"

"I will be now, thank you Newt."

He squeezed your tight one last time and walked over to Minho who was in his hammock. You smiled as you watched him go then took another deep breath, put your brave face back on and walked over to the homestead.

It was late and you were tired as you stumbled into bed. You were exhausted from the long day but you didn't want to sleep. If you slept you would have to dream and even though you knew this wasn't your fault it still wasn't any fun watching your friends suffer. You laid there waiting for the nightmares to start but they never came.

You drifted in a black void, no dreams, or nightmares, or thoughts until a voice broke the silence. It wasn't your voice, almost like someone was speaking straight to your brain.

"Y/N" It said "Are you there? Y/N it's Tommas! I know you can't talk back to me but I'm here, and I'm coming. Hold on Y/N I'm coming." The voice cut off and you shot up awake.

You sat up in bed in a cold sweat. Your hands were trembling and your heart was pounding. You looked around the room for whoever had been talking to you but saw you were completely alone.

You took a deep breath and layed back down but you knew sleep was hopeless. After a bit of tossing and turning you rolled out of bed and stood up. Maybe some fresh air would clear your head.

You grabbed your crutch and hobbled out of your room and into the dead heads. The calm and quiet felt good and you closed your eyes as you breathed in the cold night air.

You heard a rustling in the branches behind you and you whirled around, ready to fight whatever came out. The sound moved and you turned in a slow circle (which was difficult with only one leg but you managed) not letting your guard down for a second. But the sound stopped.

That was anticlimactic.

It must have been an animal. You shook your head and laughed at yourself. Wow were you jumpy. You felt your heavy breathing and rolled your eyes at how stupid you were being as you sat on the ground.

You leaned against a tree and sighed, thinking back to that voice. You thought if you just focused on what he had said long enough his face would come to mind, but it didn't. You huffed exasperated at your lack of memory and looked up at the sky. You were wondering why there were no stars when you heard footsteps.

Heavy thumps coming from somewhere far to your right. You got up as quietly as you could and slipped around your tree hoping whoever it was hadn't seen you. You heard him chuckle without any trace of humor.

The sound sent chills down your spine. You had heard that sound once before. On your first night here, at the bonfire. It was Galley.

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