Chapter 3: The Tour

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The next morning you woke up to Clint slowly opening the door to your room.

"Hey there Y/N, sorry I didn't mean to wake you."

"It's ok" you said sleepily and sat up in bed. Clint knelt next to you again and told you,

"I changed your bandages last night so we don't need to worry about that today. You are pretty scraped up so you'll need to take it easy for a bit. Don't put any weight on that leg and be carefull, you have pretty big gashes on your left shoulder and just above your right elbow. That make sense?"

"Yeah that's fine."

"Great, how are you feeling, does anything hurt?"

"Everything hurts, but no worse than yesterday." You said with a small smile, "I'm just hungry."

Clint chuckled and stood up. "I bet you would be, I can send in some breakfast for you if you'd like."

"Yes please"

He started to stand up but you gently touched his arm to get his attention.

"Clint? Will I be able to walk again?"

"I'm sure of it, you're one tough girl." You let go and he left.

A few minutes later Newt came in carrying a tray of food and a small crate.

"Good morning beautiful." he greeted you.

"Hey Newt"

He sat the crate on the opposite side of the room and the tray on your lap then sat down next to you. Any other time you might have been self conchas eating in front of him but you were too hungry to care. You inhaled your food and then sat the empty tray next to you on the bed.

Newt laughed, "better?"


You blushed a litte, fidgeting with your hands. Last night you had thought of all the questions you wanted to ask him today. As you sat there you ran through your mental list and asked the one that seemed the most important.

"Newt?" you asked, He looked at you and you continued, "What's the glade like? I haven't actually seen it yet, could you describe it to me?"

"I could try." he told you "but it would be easier if I showed you."

You looked down, embarrassed, "I-I can't walk."

"That's ok I'll carry you." You looked up at him a bit surprised. "If that's all right." he quickly added.

"Yes please!" you told him and he stood up.

"Ok" he said, "I'm going to put my arm under your legs." he warned.

You braced for him to touch your still throbbing leg but he was so gentle that you hardly noticed. He picked you up bridal style and you put your arms around his neck trying to help.

He was lean and strong and he carried you easily thoe unevenly, almost like he was limping. He walked you out of the homestead and onto the grass. He laid you down gently and then sat down next to you. Pointing around the glade, he explained everything you could see and described what you couldn't.

He told you if you weren't injured you would be trying out jobs today. He listed the jobs and what they all did. You asked him all of the questions you had come up with last night and he answered calmly and kindly.

After a bit you just sat there in silence trying to process everything you had just learned. Newt noticed you seeming overwhelmed so he changed the subject.

"There was a crate in the box with your name on it. I left it in your room." You looked up at him and nodded. "There was also a guitar, no one else here plays so we assumed it was yours."

You smiled remembering a few lines to a couple of songs.

"I think I might have played guitar." you told him trying to remember "Worth a shot." you decided shrugging.

Newt picked you up to bring you back to your room.

He carried you into your room and sat you down on the bed.

"I have to get some work done in the garden today or Alby will be mad." He told you, you nodded.

"Before you go Newt," You started, "would you be able to grab me some wood and a few nails, please?"

He had a confused look on his face but he didn't ask any questions as he nodded slowly and left the room. A few minutes later he came back in with a few long pieces of wood, a hand full of nails and a hammer.

"Thank you." you said as you smiled up at him.

"No problem, what are those gonna be?" he asked, watching you sort the wood on your bed.

"Oh I figured I would need a better way to get around. I mean you can't carry me everywhere and there is no way I'm just laying in bed all day every day so, I'm gonna try and make some crutches."

"That's a smart idea. You'll have to show me how they turn out."

He smiled at you and you felt your cheeks warm as you smiled back. He left you to go work in the gardens but you didn't mind. You set to work on your crutches and were up trying them out when Clint came in.

"Y/N!" he said, surprised "You're up, and walking."

"Yeah I made crutches" you told him proudly.

He smiled at you and said, "I was just coming in here to tell you we're having a bonfire tonight because you're awake, to celebrate the new greenie. I wanted to ask if you would like to go and if you needed help getting there but I see you've got that covered."

You beamed and looked down at your handy work.

"Thanks for the invite Clint, I'll be there."

GreenieTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon