Chapter 2: Welcome To The Glade

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You came to laying down. You kept your eyes closed and listened. You heard that same British voice talking to someone. You still didn't know if you were safe and thought it best if they, whoever they were, still thought you were asleep. You heard the British boy yelling

"Clint, it's been 3 days there must be something else you can do!"

"I'm sorry Newt," sayed a new voice. "But I've tried everything I can think of, we'll just have to wait it out."

The first boy spoke again, sounding much calmer now.

"I'm sorry, I'm sorry I'm just bloody worried."

"It's alright. I am too."

You heard footsteps and assumed both boys had left. You opened your eyes and saw you were half right.

There was only one boy in the room with you. The boy was wearing loose brown pants and an offwhite baggy shirt as well as a cloth bracelet around his left wrist. He had dirty blond hair that was going in all directions and soft brown eyes that were locked on to you. He was watching you intently and his mouth fell open a bit when he saw you wake up.

You started to panic when you saw you weren't alone and looked around for something to defend yourself with. The boy saw you start to panic and took your hand.

"Shh, It's ok love. You're ok."

You pulled your hand away quickly and scooted as far from him as possible. Your breaths were coming in quick uneven gasps now. You were scared and shaking.

"Hey calm down. Breath."

You didn't want to show weakness so you controlled yourself; you slowed your breathing and your heart rate went down. You were still shaking a bit though not nearly as badly.

You hadn't moved from your corner of the cot, as far from this strange boy as possable, just because you were calm didn't mean you were stupid. You didn't know where you were or who this was.

"There you go love that's better."

You had a million questions but you didn't trust your voice not to shake if you asked them. You just sat there curled tight not knowing what to do as the boy watched you.

"Ok here's what's going to happen'' the boy said after a moment, "I'm going to go get Clint, he's like our doctor, he's going to help you. You are going to stay here and when I get back I'll answer all the questions that I'm sure you have, deal?"

You nodded your head yes and the boy left the room. Maybe you were safe after all?

As soon as he was gone you studied your surroundings. You were lying in a cot in the middle of a shed of sorts. You were relieved to notice you were not bound and you sat up in bed.

You looked over your shoulder out the window. Outside you saw lush green grass stretching out until it met a forest of trees. Beyond the trees there were walls. Huge stone walls all around you.

You tensed and started to panic, you didn't show it but you were freaking out.

You knew it was too good to be true. That you had been saved from that cage and were safe. You were still trapped, the walls were just farther away this time.

Just then the door swung open.

"Shuck! She really is awake! I leave for one minute..."

A new boy came in. He had darker hair and was a bit taller and his clothes were a lot cleaner than the first boy you saw. He knelt by your bed and even though you wanted to you didn't flinch away. You had to show them you weren't afraid. You were but you didn't need them to know that.

You remember Newt telling you this boy was a doctor and you prepared yourself for needles and masks and pain. That's what doctors were after all. You weren't quite sure how you knew that but in the moment it didn't seem to matter.

You were poised to run or fight the moment he got any closer, or tryed anything, but he didn't. He just knelt down and smiled at you.

"Hey there Greenie. That was one long nap."

He chuckled and the authenticity of it made you relax a little.

"Is it ok if I check on your leg?"

He asked and the way he said it sounded like he really wouldn't do a thing if you said no. You nodded and layed back on the cot with your injured leg facing him. He gingerly removed the bandage and prodded the skin around the cut. You flinched the first time but then Newt started talking to you.

"So greenie, do you have any questions?"

The answer was yes, yes you had questions, you had all of the questions but you started simple, taking a deep breath and willing your voice not to shake you asked,"Who are you?"

The boy working on your leg chuckled,

"That's not usually the first question. Usually it's where the shucking shuck am I."

Shuck? What on earth is a shuck you thought confused, but at this point it didn't matter too much. The blond boy elbowed him in the ribs but the doctor just snorted and set to work rewrapping your cut.

"My name's Newt, and this is Clint." the british boy said gesturing to the boy by your bed. "Do you remember your name greenie?"

You nodded your head and then realized he wanted you to speak again,

It came out sounding like a question so you repeated it this time more sure of yourself,"My name is Y/N."

"That's a pretty name for a pretty girl" Newt commented kindly.

You blushed and looked down, you couldn't remember what you looked like but you were pretty sure you had never thought of yourself as pretty. Especially not just after waking up from being unconscious for 3 days.

Clint finished wrapping your leg and rested his hand gently on top of the bandage. You met his eyes and he started speaking.

"This cut is pretty bad, what happened in there?"

You explained evenly "I woke up in that box and my wrists and ankles were tied together. I found a knife in one of those crates and used it to cut my self free but I lost my balance. The knife just kind of slipped."

Newt looked kind of confused "You were tied up?"


"That's strange we've never had anyone bound in the box before."

"Y/N" Clint gently got your attention back, "What about your arms, you were pretty scraped up."

"Oh I don't really know, I woke up like that."

"You look like you got beat up by a bunch of guys with knives."

"Maybe she did" Newt interjected, "Someone had to put her in there," He glanced at you "I can't see you going down without a fight."

You smiled proudly at the notion that you didn't come quietly.

"It's pretty late, so Newt and I have to head to bed, you should get some real rest too." You nodded and they both started walking out of the room but before Newt could shut the door behind himself you called out,


"Yes love?"

"Where am I?"

He smiled that you had just now thought to ask that question, "The glade, welcome to the glade Y/N"

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