Chapter 10: Galley

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"I know you're there greenie, come on out princess."

You clung to the tree with one hand and your crutch with the other. NO, NO, NO! This was the exact situation you had been avoiding all month, and you just walked right into it. You breathed in deeply in an attempt to calm your nerves.

"Think" you told yourself "What can you do, how can you get away?"

You could see no way out so you decided your best option was to stall. Stall and hope for help. Keep him distracted long enough that someone will come looking for you or you could get away.

You leaned your full back agents the tree, soaking in the last sense of safety it provided before stepping out to face Galley.

He smiled almost animally at you and said, "there you are beautiful."

You eyed him down and asked coldly "What do you want Galley?"

He smirked and walked closer, pushing you against your tree. He kicked your crutch away and held you up by your waist before hissing in your ear


So stalling hadn't worked, he hadn't even started to talk. You looked longingly at your crutch. There goes your best chance of escape.

"You may recall," Galley whispered in your other ear "the last time I saw you, you were very rude."

He made a mock pouty face at you and you scoffed.

"It really hurt my feelings." He whined. "You may also remember, my little promise that you would regret that laps in judgement."

He was smiling now and that scared you more than his glare.

"Now, I'm a generous guy, and as I'm sure you've seen the error of your ways I'm prepared to offer you a deal. If you don't make this difficult, that means no punching, kicking, biting or screaming; I promise I won't harm a hair on your pretty little head. On the other hand, if you make a scene this story will not have a happy ending. Understand?"

You stayed silent, glaring at him. You were determined not to show him any emotion whatsoever. So far you were doing fine, you were terrified but there was no way he knew that.

"I'll take that as a yes" he hissed into your ear again and without warning, smashed his face against yours.

He was kissing you but his mouth was moving strangely, almost like he was trying to eat your face. You pressed your hands against his chest, trying to push him away, and pulled your lips into a tight line, hoping he would get the memo.

"Oh Y/N you just don't know what's good for you do you?" He asked and pulled your hands above your head, pinning them against the tree.

You felt the cuts on your shoulder and forearm tear open from the sudden weight and you gasped in pain. Galley took that opportunity to smash faces with you again and he stuck his tongue in your open mouth. You bit down hard, until the metallic taste of blood filled your mouth. He pulled back a bit and yelled


You kneed him in the groin. He doubled over dropping you and you crumpled to the ground. You were screaming for help now but you knew it was no use. You were too far in the dead-heads. No one could hear you.

You stood and tried to run only to fall back to the floor when white hot pain shot through your leg. You looked up and saw Galley coming at you full speed, his face was bright red. You cringed away from him but he picked you up by your shirt and screamed in your face,

"I tried to be nice!"

He threw you to the ground and all your breath flew out of you.

"I made you a deal!"

He picked you up again by your collar and slammed your back into the tree. You felt the skin on your back tear open and warm blood started pouring out.

"All you had to do was kiss me! It wasn't that hard."

He dropped you and you landed in a heap on the ground.

"But you couldn't even do that!"

He kicked you in the stomach and any air you still had in your lungs came straight out.

"I promised you would regret this, and I intend to make good on that."

He snarled and kicked you in the back of the head. Everything went black.

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