Chapter 4: The Bonfire

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You watched the sky turn from baby blue to navy out your window and limped over to the fire pit Newt had pointed out to you earlier that day.

There was a bonfire blazing and it radiated warmth and light. You walked over, Clint wasn't there, he was back in the homestead patching up boys who had been wrestling in the fight circle. You looked around but couldn't see Newt either. You hadn't met any of the other boys yet so you sat alone on a log with your crutches resting next to you, watching the fire blaze.

You heard boys whistling, and cat calling but you did your best to ignore them. They hadn't seen a girl in who knows how long so you figured they were bound to be idiots.

You were getting pretty good at not making eye contact until a group shifted closer to you talking about you in fake whispers. You could tell you were meant to hear.

"A girl? Why the shuck would they send a little piece of klunk like her, if they were going to send a girl the least they could do was send a pretty one."

They all laughed and you looked away. You felt your face catch fire and your eyes welled up as you looked at your hands. That same boy looked directly at you not even pretending to whisper anymore.

"Oh is the precious little baby gonna cry? Go on cry for me baby." 

"Heck no" you thought to yourself "Don't you dare cry. Do not give him the satisfaction of seeing you break. You have to be stronger than this."

You lifted your chin and blinked back any trace of tears. You met his gaze and glared at him defiantly.

"Oh" he said walking over to you "On second thought maybe having a girl arrond won't be so bad."

He closed the distance between you two and ran his hand down your middle resting it on your hip. You pushed him away but he sat down next to you, kicking the crutches out of your reach so you couldn't get up and leave. He draped his arm over your shoulder and bumped the gash over your elbow, you winced slightly and wriggled out of his grasp.

"Don't touch me." You said, your voice shaking a bit.

He smirked and snaked his arm around your waist pulling you to him roughly. As your left side hit up against him you winced harder but didn't yell, you didn't want him to know it had hurt.

You pressed your hands against his chest and pushed yourself away from him as hard as you could but your injured arms weren't nearly as strong as his. He grabbed both of your hands in one of his and held them tightly, too tightly, you were worried he'd break your fingers.

"Playing hard to get are we?" He asked then leaned in closer to your ear and whispered "I like that."

You hated him being so close to you and you struggled anew but without being able to move your hands you knew it was hopeless.

"I asked you to get off of me." You said with a little tremor in your voice.

You looked around for aid but no one was coming to help you, in fact everyone was watching and seemed to be cheering the boy on.

"How am I going to get out of this?" you thought.

"Ok" you told yourself "calm down and think this through. He's an idiot and he thinks you're weak, use this to your advantage."

You stopped squirming and he laughed humorlessly in your ear

"Good girl, now why don't you come with me?"

He let go of your hands to scoop you up and take you to who knows where. He never got the chance thoe.

As soon as your hands were free you drove the heel of your hand straight up into his nose. It made a satisfying crunch sound and you knew it was broken. His hands flew to his face and he dropped you.

You scrambled over to your crutch and used it to get as far from him as possible. It snapped and you tumbled down landing in a heep on the ground.

He was mad now and coming at you. You thought you could have taken him if you could use your legs but you didn't have that luxury now. As the boy charged you curled into a fetal position, protecting your face and neck and called out for help again expecting none but to your surprise someone came limping over.

It was Newt!

"What is buggin happening here?!"

Newt yelled and all eyes were suddenly on him. You were on the ground cowering in front of this crazy boy next to your broken crutch. You were afraid to move in case it set him off again but you looked to Newt with pleading eyes.

"Galley, get the shuck away from her."

Newt was angry you could tell but he didn't raise his voice. Galley smirked and said,"It's not what it looks like, she fell and I was coming to help her up."

"Fantastic" Newt said dryly, not taking his eyes off Galley, "but I'm here now and she doesn't need your help. Like I said, move away from Y/N.''

Galley quickly leaned down and whispered in your ear,"You'll regret that shank" before straightening and walking a little ways away.

He stopped and turned to wink at you. You scoffed watching him leave.

The other boys that had gathered around wandered back to whatever they were doing before they came to watch. After Galley was out of sight Newt walked over and picked you up. You flinched at the touch still on edge but calmed down once you were back on your seat.

"Who was t-that?"

You asked newt. You were shivering, any warmth from the fire left you when that boy touched you.

"That was Galley, keeper of the builders, a real shuck face. What did he do?"

Newt seemed worried for you. You took a deep breath and answered.

"I'm fine really, he was making fun of me and then tried to hug me. I told him to get off but then he picked me up so I hit him to get away, I think I broke his nose."

"You broke his nose?"

"Yeah, It wasn't difficult, he underestimated me. Anyway, he dropped me when I hit him but I couldn't stand because of my leg. I'm just glad you came when you did"

You said all of this in one long breath.

"Hang on, let me get this straight, you are injured, can't stand, can't even lift your arms above your head, but you managed to break that shuck face's nose?"

You nodded sheepishly.

"I think I might have underestimated you too." Newt said and laughed.

You were still shaking from cold and adrenaline but Newt held your hand until it stopped trembling.

You stayed that way talking and laughing away the memory. It was getting late and you were tired but you didn't want this moment to end.

Instead of going to bed you lean up against Newt and lay your head on his shoulder. You two kept talking until your eyes finally closed and you fell asleep with a smile on your face.

Newt noticed you were asleep when you stopped talking and he smiled down at you tucking a lock of your hair behind your ear. He picked you up gently and carried you to your cot.

He smiled at your peaceful face as you slept, kissed you on the forehead and whispered, "good night love, sweet dreams." before leaving your room silently.

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