nine out of fifty

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"uhhh i don't see her." jake whispers to jay as jay starts looking around to see that minha's not around.

"why don't you ask that guy if he saw minha?" jay suggested making jake shake his head no since he suddenly gets this feeling that the guy's not going to be fun to talk to.

"hmm what about her?" jake asked as jay nodded and laughed.

"you do you and i do me. i'll look for that curry thing jungwon's been talking about just so i'll be able to know if he's exaggerating about the taste of curry." jay says as jake couldn't help but start getting mute since he's really nervous right now.

"uhhh.. don't leave me alone yet." jake says as he bit his bottom lip making jay look at him while waiting for him to continue talking.

"what do i say at first? i don't know who she is." jake says making jay let out a sigh before giggling.

"just say "hey you." which i usually do when i don't know who i'm talking to." jay tells jake as he nodded slowly.

"uhhh okay okay." jake says as he slowly walks towards the girl at the farthest table while jay just started looking around for the curry.

"hey you." jake says as he's standing infront of yoonji while his hands are on top of the table.

"uhhh.. yeah?" she asked before she couldn't help but laugh.

"why is she laughing at me right now?" jake thought as he bit his lip.

"uhh.. do you- i mean.. what's your- aishhh.." jake facepalmed himself since he's getting all nervous again making yoonji just stare at him.

"what's my aishhh?" yoonji asked as jake shook his head no.

"what's your name?" jake asked which made yoonji's eyes widen at this direct guy.

"interesting.." (i can't help but see the meme huehue) yoonji thought as she starts looking around to see if there are cameras around

"what if this is one of those sOciAL eXpEriMeNts?" yoonji thought to herself before letting a hum.

"yoonji." she answered making jake nod.

"are you with someone right now?" jake asked yoonji after assuming that minha's probably bringing a friend too like him making yoonji go in awe.

"damn, you're a straightforward one huh?" yoonji asked herself while jake just nodded since he didn't really know what she meant but it felt like it would be time for him to nod.

"i'm with my best friend at the moment." yoonji answered making jake go ooh.

"what's her name?" jake asked making yoonji's eyebrows furrow.

"why are you asking so many questions?" yoonji asked this guy since she's actually getting really suspicious with this one.

"oh.. i'm sorry." jake says making yoonji confused.

"sit down. i've got some questions for you too." yoonji says making jake nod and sit down.

"are you a kpop idol?" yoonji asked all of the sudden making jake's eyes widen.

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