six out of fifty

353 11 51

"we're here to tell you guys that you need to make sure no one will ever know that you guys aren't what they think you guys are." namjoon says making sunghoon bite his bottom lip out of nervousness which was pretty evident for everyone to see.

"are you okay sunghoon?" jimin asked as sunghoon couldn't help but look down after thinking that what he just did earlier was wrong and was not a great idea.

"i ughhh.. got the role that i wanted for an advertisement but i can just call someone to tell them that i'm dead and back out on the role that i got since it would be pretty risky for someone like me to start doing actimg just because i wanted to and that i-" but before sunghoon was about to finish, taehyung couldn't help but go uwu at sunghoon getting flustered and nervous.

"don't worry, you really don't need to do that because that is actually a really great idea." seokjin tells sunghoon making the boys' eyes widen out of shock since they were always taught and/or told to keep themselves hidden with the shadows or in the dark.

"what do you mean by that hyung?" jay asked as the boys awaited for jin's answer since they're also really really curious as to why he said that all of the sudden.

"you guys have probably seen what's on the news right?" seokjin says as the boys nodded.

"the number of human deaths around this area's increasing vastly because of those shameless and untamed vampires." jungwon says in an annoyed way (which is highkey cute as frick) before crossing his arms to his chest.

"we actually don't think that all of them were killed by humans or that they were all humans themselves." namjoon says making jungkook take out his ipad (cuz these vampires are perfect human beings on stories without even trying skskksk) out to help the kids see their analysis on the photos uploaded on the web and some photos they took themselves.

"hmmm? what about these h-hyung?" jay asked jungkook after seeing no differences from the photos being shown.

"did you just stutter when you called jungkook hyung "hyung"? your embarassing moments are really never-ending huh?" jungwon tells jay making everyone (including bts) laugh out loud like crackheads and jay flustered as hell.

"why get nervous? we're a family right?" jungkook asked making jay's eyes widen before he nods slowly.

"aigoooo you guys are adorable." hoseok says as he pinches jungwon's cheekies making jungwon giggle and smile.

"aishhh stop that." taehyung tells hoseok making him pout before actually stopping.

"hmph, it's my turn now." taehyung says with a smirk on his face before pinching jungwon's cheekies as well making jungwon start admiring taehyung's purrfect face (lol this isn't even an opinion anymore, this is a fact 🤠).

"anyways, let's go back to our main topic." jungkook says as the babies nodded.


"it's already 6pm which was the time those two handsome guys came inside." jaeri says as hyejin and yoonji started scanning around the place for those two guys she's talking about.

"i hope atleast one of them comes in, i know that you know what type of guys we like so we've got really high expectations on these two." yoonji says before laughing.

"were you the one that took their orders?" hyejin asked as jaeri shook her head no.

"hwasa took them unfortunately." jaeri says before laughing.

"oh my god does she know any of their names?" yoonji asked making jaeri shrug and sigh.

"they've never used cards to pay?" hyejin asked making jaeri laugh and shake her head no.

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