|21| An Angel's Questionnaire

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"I mean... it was a deal. I can't break deals now can I?" Jungkook answered, skillfully avoiding the real question.

Namjoon's eyes glinted, sparking a golden flare.

"Did. Kim Taehyung. Ask. You. To. Save. His. Life?" Namjoon repeated, seeing right through Jungkook's sneak reply.

The Devil sighed.

Namjoon knew him just way too well.

It was a nuisance.

"Well... no." Jungkook paused but quickly added with a sheepish grin "but, I considered that- as his side of the contract"

Jungkook averted his gaze from Namjoon's flaring golden ones-

Ah. This is bad.

"Well what do you suppose I should have done then?! Detective Kim was bleeding on the floor with two bullets down his chest. Not to mention he was passed out- I cant wake up an unconscious man and ask him to speak, now can I? So yeah... I saved him, granted him his life- not like he asked me to, but considering Detective Kim- he very much wanted to live, so it's pretty much like an unsaid wish to be saved, and I granted it as his part of the deal!!!!"

Namjoon sat stunned in his seat.

Jungkook pursed his lips shut.

"For the sake of the Devil, brother say something-"

"If he didnt ask for it, then it doesnt reside as his wish for the contract. You saved him- on your own accord!" Namjoon yelled, curling his fists. "You can still dissolve this contract and I can have this case considered as a mishap and you-"

"Dissolve? I'm not dissolving this contract Namjoon." Jungkook grit his teeth.

"What the hell do you mean by that?! This is your chance. You didnt grant him his wish, therefore the deal isnt sealed yet and everything will eventually fall back to its natural order! You can go about your life, the Detective can go about his without having anything to do with us and forget all about it as his mercy-bread. So. Yes, you are going to dissolve this contract and have it done as if it never existed in the first place and Jungkook I will not-" Namjoon paused, noticing the specks of red flare up in Jungkook's eyes.

"I said. I will not Dissolve this Contract and have Detective Kim forgetting all about me." Jungkook replied, his tone deeper and threatening.

Namjoon reeled his anger in, not wanting to appear hostile towards the Devil, not even accidentally- knowing things would go south if he'd tick off Jungkook's timer.

"So then are you gonna keep toying with him? And then what if he finds out and doesnt take it well? What then? What will you do Jungkook?" Namjoon asked carefully, his gaze unwavering.

"Yes. I will continue toying with him for as long as I can and you dont have to worry about what would happen, if Detective Kim were to realise my true nature." Jungkook tilt his head, a lazy smile on his lips- but that made him look even more insane with his blazing red orbs.

"As the protector of souls- Jungkook... it is my duty to worry what would happen to mortals- Kim Taehyung, included." Namjoon grit his teeth.

"Well consider Detective Kim off of that list of yours- what happens to him, is none of your concern as I will be looking after him from now. You can go ahead and protect other souls. I'm not interested in any of them eitherway"

"Interested?" Namjoon quirked up, not letting his defense down.

"Yes, I'm very much interested in Detective Kim as of now and I would like to know more about him. I would also like him acknowledging me, as I am- so that must answer your reasoning of why I dont want to dissolve this contract, and have him forgetting about me and have all of my efforts go to ruins..." Jungkook said, standing up and Namjoon followed suit.

the DEVIL [JJK+KTH]حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن