Chapter 38

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Well... here's the part where Holly Joy is Holly Joy for a reason or no reason. I don't even know. What the heck does she want from me?
"Here it is..." Nathan represented the flocks while we prepared their food. I knew Joy was eating her patience. "Sure you can? "he challenged us and I didn't hesitate because of my pathetic pride. "Yeah, I mean—everyone could be a shepherd. Joy and I can handle this—what could go wrong? " I regret saying that until Joy and I suffered from toxic waste and made a herd of sheep avalanche. It was horrible.

"If there's no signal, then skip! —even a baby could understand that. Why can't you just listen to me? " Joy was giving me headaches.
"If we hurry and don't get my father because of your reckless actions, we will end up in jail. Should I remind you that one wrong move and there's no turning back—you know that! . Plus, not making a plan for our return to our present time would be a chaos—think about it. What would you do if Mr. Smith captured us without my Dad? We can't accuse him with no further evidence, like my Dad, showing everyone that he's alive instead of looking like a bunch morons because we didn't get him. Mr. Smith lied to everyone—we will have an excuse for the charge of violation for the sake of proving Mr. Smith is wrong if we have my Dad. Who knows the machine? "

"You..." she pierced her lips and forced her tongue to talk, but added, "I know you're a mechanic girl, but I know my instincts and criminal instincts. I can protect myself, but who's going to protect you? "

"Are you tired of running away Holly Joy?" I said sternly with a low wanly voice. I realized that our conversation was very serious and vague.
"This is not about me. Don't you ever bring my history into the topic!—just don't be distracted and have no  attachment to the biblical characters. We don't want to mess this up, Zoey. "

"Now we're finished with this shepherd thing, we could now finish the story of someone."
Joy and I headed off to the barn, then two men came over towards us. Nathan was cradling a little cute sheep and Christian brought a bunch of red roses. Joy and I were so confused. I tittered.

"What is this for? "

"This is my special gift to you. It is the symbol of my love. This sheep is one of a kind. It doesn't have any disorder or damage. " said Nathan while giving me the sheep. I accepted his gift. "What is happening? " I whispered to Joy's ear but she chuckled and whispered back "I think they're asking you out on a date." Joy and I were sitting on a big, sturdy piece of hay after that exhausting work.

Christian scratched his head and gave me a bunch of roses.
"Umm... the... that's what he said." he stuttered. "What about me?— nothing, ok— that's cool, but those gifts will die sooner just like the symbol of your love. " Chided Joy and burst into laughter.

She's actually right. The roses will die and the sheep will die if starvation kicks in.

"I appreciate your gifts, friends..." I squeezed the word friends to make it clear that I'm not interested in an early  heartbreak.

"Remember our deal, Zoey?" Joy reminded me of the promise. "You want me to be circumcised? " She gawked and replied, "You're a terrible joker." Then she walked closer to me, which was strange and suspicious. She dived deeper into my eyes and hugged me.

This makes me feel like a gay, but she's my cousin. That would be weird. At the time she hugged me tight, I felt a little fidget, so I flinched and saw the remote in her hand. Roi walks in while eating bread with Nathan and Christian. "I need to confess..." said Joy and added "Before I... I was an assassin—I was working for Mr. Smith." I shuddered with consternation and trepidation. "I have plans and I can't let you have them, Zoey!" She pushed me while holding the remote.

I lick my lips and force my tongue to talk. "W-what... you don't have to do this, Joy!"

"I'm not going back to jail! "

"We're not! Let's work together to prove Mr. Smith is wrong, double cross."

I convinced her while steeping forward to her, with a remote in her hand. I can't let her ruin everything. If she skips everything and goes back to the present without my Dad, it would be meaningless. I can't let her do that and I can't believe she's doing this. I should've known that she's just like Mr. Smith, such a great pretender. What else is she hiding about? I don't even know if one of us is real or not.

This is heartbreaking already. Did I suffer enough? —Why would she betray me? I thought... (Sigh). Then I realized—all of this force of her, forcing me to skip is running out of time. She stole the remote from me because she didn't have a choice. She knew that I couldn't skip everything that easily, and it wasn't going to be that easy. She knew that she needed to come clean.

"I'm sorry... "

"No! "

"If there's a signal, then go to your father! "

"You're not going to leave us! —it doesn't have to be this way, Joy, please! " I backed away and whispered to my three crew members "Hold on tight—I don't want to lose you." I was sweating but tactful. I slowly moved towards her while holding my three crew members behind me. "There's got to be another way." I moved closer "That's not who you are anymore—Mr. Smith doesn't own you! He doesn't even deserve you—I swear, he will stab your back after giving Superbook to him—you've become my sister Joy— think carefully! " I burst my uncontrollable tears in front of her while clasping my other hand to Christian's hand. 

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