The Ending

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He lifted himself back and his smirk was broadened enough to make me feel drowsy in a way I didn't understand.

A whisper was called to my ears and said 'Necklace'.
He stretched his fingers at me and prompted me to close my eyes, but I refused. He became more bewildered as he chanted to put a spell on me, then my eyes became white as snow that I was being controlled. He was conceited and wicked. I could clearly see that he was about to eat my soul when my vision turned white. That was the time where I could clearly see his true form. It was dark and dreadful, but it was alluring, which is strange because even though it was dark, it somehow made me feel comfortable. I was constantly floating in the depths of darkness thinking of myself.

My father huffed and slapped my face. I shuddered at him while he was yelling at me. I was completely stunned and stuttered in a way that I was numb. Disabled to hear my father's sharp scorned words coming from his mouth. The floor was burnt and ashes filled my nostrils.

"You're mother is dead--because of you! I don't know you as my daughter! "

A tense of gaped was applied to my soul while my vision was turning into dust. I walked outside and saw the orphans."You're a murderer!"
Mama Lucia came to ask the children to stay away from me. "I can't believe you left us behind— and you left them behind as well..." I saw the machine that is currently burning while I was being handcuffed by the police men. Mr. Smith was maliciously grinning at me. Then I tore my pain not to burst out some agony, but rather some furious condemnation. I snapped out of it. Then I flinched to move. I clenched my teeth to glare at the guy who was about to spell me again, but I dodged and he chuckled. I took a little riffle to glance at his necklace and thought of a way to snatch that socery, but it was difficult. I sprinted towards him. He spelled me. I lingeredly drowned as before, but I knew it was false to believe. Then I lifted my body and my sword, ready to slash him. "How dare you mess with my family? They wouldn't say those words! " I shouted. He spelled it. I drowned and got backed up again. He spelled, I opened my eyes. He spelled, I opened my eyes. He spelled and I opened my eyes. He shuddered with irritation at blasting me again and again and again... but I got back up again and again, relentlessly fighting. I slashed at an open area of his body, but he shuffled faster than before, from place to place. I tried to encounter him with a sword, but he kept shuffling like a bolt of lightning. I suddenly became drained and weary that even my vision was glitching. I caught my breath repeatedly while trying to stand up.

"Are you done now? What a pathetic human being! "

"You're nothing but a weak-minded person! Left alone with no piece of hope to be loved! "

I lowered my head to face as if I was being stabbed by words. I have no strength against words because they are more convincing to be true. I tried to lift my body but I couldn't. Then he flicked towards me to crush my skull."Everyone died because of you! You don't deserve to live because you are abominable! " He smashed my face. That made me throw myself down, but he plucked my body and smacked me again. I was in severe pain. I was numb again. Why can't I move? Am I affected by his words? "It was you who caused everything... I don't know why God made you in the first place! "

I found my weakness, and confessed,"You're right... I am... an unworthy, stupid, weak-minded person--which is true—but you want to know another truth? " He glared sternly at me, but yet he had nothing on me to prove that I was defeated. I spoke back at him. I clenched with glee.
"Jesus died for me!" I cried and stood up, "How can a righteous God ever love a sinner like me... " He scooted backwards and I pushed myself in front of him.
"Those people left me with a choice because they loved me! They have a reason for me to be able to live! "

"God loves me! Then I should have no reason to give up! "

I yanked his necklace to stump on it in order to break it. Then he collapsed. A glance of light reflected my vision of seeing my grandpa and my father smiling at me in heaven. I thought he wasn't dead.

The Never Ending Journey (Superbook Reimagined) Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora