Chapter 20

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My heart rate went faster like a running horse in a race of battle. I couldn't find any way out that I couldn't even hardly breathe. Then someone clasped my mouth and pointed a knife at my face.

The knife was so close that I didn't even move a muscle, but the person let me walk along with him to whence I came. I wanted to cry for help, but my mind keeps telling me that this is the reason why bad things have happened in my life because I follow God. Being the child of God wasn't that easy. I thought being the child of God would make my life happier and prosper as always, but unfortunately it doesn't work that way.

Maybe I wasn't really the person I thought I was?.
Afterwards, a girl with demonic tattoos on her body punched me hard and long on my face, causing my eye to swell and turn black. My nose went numb and bled. It was painful but I didn't move a muscle because the guy tied my hands tightly and they treated me like an animal. Because of that violent experience—I passed out and the last thing I knew was that I fell asleep and woke up from falling into a deep sleep and heard their gibberish chant coming from the evildoers that surrounded me and Tanya. I saw Tanya tied up and hurt.

"Why did you offer me this kind of job?..." I cried towards Tanya. "Oh God please, did I suffer enough?. What did I do wrong? " I yelped and cried for mercy. "You idiot!— why did you have to tell them that you're a Christian?, do you really have to inform them that you believe in God! — they're atheist gangsters and the only way to make business with them is to encourage their scheme to other
people. " cried Tanya.

"You should've told me before we got here, but it doesn't matter anymore, even if you'd tell me that this is evil. Bad things will always happen to me! " I whimpered.

I boosted my yearn and stayed perceived with scrupulous but acted restless with fatigue to think clearly. I put my head down with a beaten soul to this life. Then they stopped for a minute. I knew this place was the demonic den of evil. I can't see why they don't have any mercy and hope on their faces. Did they even try to know God?

Maybe they're just like me, beaten and broken, but even if I'm miserable and beaten many times, I won't turn back no matter what, because I swear to God that I will forever cherish the oath that I gave to my grandpa.

The guy with a black hoodie went closer to me and lifted my head slowly and looked me in the eyes and sighed.
"You poor creature... did you think your God would save you after planning to join an atheist gangsters club?" said the guy who approached me with a goggled eye while smoking his cigarette in front of me. I coughed from suffocating his smoke. "Where is your God now? " said the woman with tattoos and chuckled.

I looked at her while my wound was bleeding.
"You don't have to do this!" 
Tanya sputtered and rolled her eyes and chided, "Please don't encourage them to go to church." I looked at her with euphoria. "Did you not know that the devil already knew the word of God?" I chided back and turned my head back to the woman wearing a red hoodie. 

"We can still repent and ask God's mercy before it's too 
late." I begged, but they all looked irritated, not knowing that I was trying to escape by cutting the tie around my hands using a nail cutter that I plucked inside my pocket. 

"Look... "I obliged.

They all looked where I told them to look and I felt triumph when I finally cut down the tie that tightened my hands. I immediately helped Tanya to get up and we both ran to our freedom by entering the other corridor that might lead us to the exit, but before we could enter the second corridor, we stopped for a second and someone tugged us underneath the stairs. We didn't say anything, not even a single word. I looked at the person who tugged us and that person was a blonde young woman, wearing a black mask and military pants and a black ripped shirt. I also looked in her eyes that this woman might be one of them, but why did she tug us and hide us underneath the stairs? Is she betraying her own kind? or she's not one of them?
We waited patiently for those evildoers to disappear and to never bother us. The young woman hushed us when someone stopped in front of us that seemed to be closer and closer. As that person is getting closer and closer, a trepidation of mine is interrogating my brain while my heart is pounding so fast that I can barely hear. Me and Tanya looked terrified and she closed her eyes trying not to witness her death. What might happen?, we shuddered and reckoned that this was the end of our lives. 

"Zoey?" A cooed and gently voice made me think that the voice of that person was familiar. The young woman prepared her gun, then I realized that the person that was calling me was Christian. The young woman almost killed Christian, but I stopped her from shooting Christian on his leg. 

"That's not our enemy." I whispered.

"You sure? "she questioned coldly.

"Yes, I'm sure." I answered certainly.

Christian looked down beneath us and put his full flashlight towards our faces and that also hurt our eyes, so we complained, then he immediately turned the flashlight away from us.

"Sorry... " he apologized.
We free ourselves by getting out of that itchy hiding spot and run for our lives. I have too many questions to ask them, but I can't help myself to think that we might get caught and die.

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