Chapter 16

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I stopped for a minute on the porch, breathing to get my strength back to my body. He removed his mask, gasping to death while he slowly stumbled on the floor.

I narrowed my vision and lifted the gun by gripping it so hard to point at him, looking pale with a vicious desire.
Every breath, one step ahead. Aiming the gun at him was a triumph for justice. He looked at me, shuddered in fear, dragging himself to avoid me but he couldn't move because his foot was injured. He tittered and said.

"Please.. do-don't kil-kill me!" 

He blundered in fear and gulped down the sin that he had done and started to babble while I was pointing the gun firmly with a stern narrow glare of a lion and an angry grinned with a heavy chest. "Please give me another chance to explain.." he begged with gestures. "Did you give my grandpa a chance?" I sniffled while crying and my face was swollen red from all this chaos. I was ready to pull the trigger but suddenly he made a yelp and cry to change my mind."It wasn't my fault— a client ordered me to kill your grandpa in order to get the journal. I tried to refuse but they forced me to do it—for the safety of my wife and daughter, I did what the client said because he was just doing his job for his boss... " he babbled while yelping like a dying moose. I soothed my rage and felt stubborn to know his babble. 

"Who's the boss?" I asked 

"I don't know—I swear!.. just kill me... I deserve it, but before I die— tell my wife and my daughter that I love them and I'm very sorry if I wasn't the greatest father they want me to be. " He said and obliged. I want to get rid of my guilt and mercy. Instead it formed into trepidation or having second thoughts, but I keep reminding myself that this man is evil. I need to snap out of his sorcery about manipulating me. I startle a little because he plucks his wallet to give it to me and I crouch to allow myself to be able to get his wallet. I opened it and goggled at what I saw. A picture of a young girl smiling and hugging a woman that seems to be her mother. The girl was Chelsea.

I furrow my eyebrows and gaped. She was like a little sister to me, but that can't be a valid reason to stop me from killing his father even though my rage turned into guilt. I was stubborn because of my pathetic guilt of mercy. I sigh and lower the gun. If Chelsea wasn't his daughter then I think he'd already dead by now, but he was and I was stubborn. 

"I... I was protecting my daughter with my job, but I knew she was in good hands. I only did this for her and for her mother who died ten years ago because of me! " he said and sniffled with grief.

"Just kill me but promise me that you won't put my daughter in great danger." He obliged and I dropped my gun for being weak. I shake my head and pout to sputter my heavy grief. He grabbed the gun and said. "Kill me already before they put f—" Someone didn't let him finish the sentence. He got shot by a fired bullet that caused his blood to flow from his mouth. I don't know if I should be happy or mad at his death. I gulped and didn't move a muscle. I might get shot by a fired bullet. I tentatively raised my hands to surrender, However I still don't know yet if that person who shot him was the police or someone else. I slowly twist my body to see them while squinting with fear. 

"Wait—that's my daughter!" 

I opened my eyes for I had heard the voice of my mother from all of the trauma I had experienced. She was with the police and that was a great relief. I almost thought that it was my time to be dead. 

"Zoey!" cried Mom while running towards me and I also ran. She hugged me so tight and did a lot of groping around my body. We both cried and I hugged her tightly to release my trauma.

"Mo... Mom.. " I sniffled and cried. She stroked my back to make me feel better in a world full of misery.

I don't even know if I should continue to live. I felt different battered feelings that I can't explain. At the hospital Christian and Mr. Smith took my grandpa to the hospital with pace and hoped that my grandpa might survive. They were terribly worried about what might happen to my grandpa. 
The doctors took grandpa and Christian and Mr. Smith.

They were waiting outside the room where the doctors did their operation. Christian clutched his sweaty hair using his two hands to urge the courage out of him while Mr. Smith gulped his pessimistic thoughts. Then Mr. Smith laid his eyes on Christian hard and pure. 

"Are you ok child? " he questioned while patting his shoulder. Christian glanced at him and said "I'm fine sir, thank you." Mr. Smith knew he was lying. By the looks of it, they might get along with each other. Christian and Mr. Smith never had a great relationship between a student and a teacher.

They were just casual friends or normal people who happened to be in a hospital to get the chance of getting to know each other. I gotta be honest. They sat on a hospital bench outside the room with silence and doubt, waiting for hope.


"Boss... I have secured the target." 

"Good... now do plan B perfectly and don't dissapoint me!" 

"Yes boss."
Meanwhile, me and my Mom took a ride in a police car while her arm was holding me around to my shoulder and we were on our way to church. 

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