Chapter 10

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The first thing in my mind is... why are they talking about my dad? How in the world did my dad get to be involved in a food fight disaster or is this something more than just a food fight disaster?. This might be bigger than the mess I made. I heard Nancy and Mr. Smith talking inside his office.

"I thought Zoey was not related?" Mr. Smith questioned.

Nancy chuckled.

"No sir... Zoey is her daughter— have you not heard of it?" Nancy answered.

"That explains why she's a
 Quantum," said Mr. Smith.

"Ok then—" said Mr. Smith.
Without hesitation, I suddenly sneezed so loud that they heard me outside. I began to be vigilant and think of a way out. "Who are you?" Mr. Smith questioned."Maybe we should check it out," said Nancy.
I immediately entered the other empty room in front of Mr. Smith's office and hid—of course. I locked the door as quickly as possible. They looked outside of his office and tried to open another room to make sure someone was not listening to them.

"I 'II go get my keys—just wait here Nancy," said Mr. Smith.
"Come out... come out whatever you are?! "said Nancy. My body is full of perspiration and I am tentatively scared of what might happen. My heart went crazy. Mr. Smith got his keys and I'm still trying to figure out how to get out of this room, but I got nothing. Mr. Smith opened the room and—
"Miss Quantum!!" Mr. Smith shouted. I was startled and goggled so hard that I almost peed at any minute.

"Ugh!.. She forgot her toad stew smell to get rid of— and wash", said Nancy.

"Hey dudes," said Roi, covered with smelly toad stew while fixing his chair."Ohh I was wrong, it wasn't Zoey— it was Roi," said Mr. Smith. Phew.. fortunately, they entered the other room at the side of his office, that was so close. They went back to the office and waited for me."You should find Zoey," said Mr. Smith. "Yeah sure," said Nancy. She opened the door and I acted normal.

"Hey!.. there she is," said Nancy loudly. I enter the office and we both sit on our chairs.
"You two are suspended for two days. You two should go home now," said Mr. Smith.
That's it?!? I mean what?!. I can't believe this is happening to me, and should I really ask him why earlier Nancy and him were talking about me and my father or maybe not?. I need to be cautious to trust anyone and that is the reason why I hide.

"No funny business ok!" said Mr. Smith. Me and Nancy both nodded and went outside.
"Way to go douche bag!" She said and nudge so hard at me and walked her way home.

I sigh and saw Christian waiting for me outside when our class was over. He gave me the look that I really deserved. We skated our way home and stopped because we arrived at the church and saw my Mom approaching me. It made me furrow my eyebrows and gaped. I guess she knew what I did and made me think that she was a spy. She hugged me tightly and looked at me with an a
disappointed look that I truly deserved. She crossed her hand at me.

"I'm sorry Mom", I apologized.
"I know... but we need to talk—Zoey," said Mom. I'm in big trouble. My Mom is really mad about what I did. I knew this day would happen.
Me and my Mom sat on a bench and talked about what happened. "Mom?" I asked.

"Yes?... Zoey "

"Did Mr. Smith have a relationship with my dad? " I questioned inquisitively.

"Umm... all I know is that they were classmates in high school— why? "said Mom.
"Umm... Nothing. I was just curious,"I said and gave her a sly grin.

"Are you sure? "

"Yeah" I answered.

"Here" said Mom while giving me a book. So I grab the book to be able to see what this is all about.

"What's this? "I questioned."It is your father's journal," said Mom. I opened it with sorrow and a heavy heart. I gulped my excruciating mourn and tried to smile to ease the pain.

Unfortunately, I was stubborn to bear the pain while slipping every page using my finger with agony. I sniffled and didn't realize that I was crying while smiling. My face turned red because of my grief, but I bravely wiped my tears to see the pages of what my father wrote."Have you read it?" I questioned Mom while wiping my tears. "Most of it.. some of them are about science—honey" said Mom and I smiled.

Reading my father's journal means a lot to me and slipping to every page is like going back in the past, just like Superbook. Despite what happened in the past, I also think happy memories are the hardest thing to forget.

Dear Sunshine
July 4, 1681

• The time where the leaves turn green and the sun arouses so high where butterflies fly to the open beaming sunshine and blue skies. The touch of your cheeks and that beautiful smile, Zoey my Love, a star
that shines so bright. The energy that you give me is my strength with all my might.

Sobbing and sniffling at my father's journal. I hug it so tight for this is the only thing I have from my father.

My Mom hugged me with embrace and mourned with me while stroking my hair. The wind passes bye and touches the leaves to fall down. I love watching the translucent yellowish and orange leaves falling down to the ground. It reminded me so much of my Dad. I took a little smile because of the joy I felt; even though it was supposed to be sad, at least I tried to smile for my Dad. I wipe my tears again to take relief.
"I'm going to go now.. take your time honey," said Mom and withdrew to take a rest.

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