Chapter 45

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"What does that mean?" asked Joy with wary.  Out of a sudden, a man came towards John into the river that seemed to be...


I sprung my cheer silently inside of me as I gazed with wonder and a little bit of joy. 
Jesus smiled at us and I gaped a little and smiled back. I also rummaged through my crew. Joy grimaced at me that it may have appeared as a confusion.
"So... you never told me you had a friend named Jesus—when will you introduce 
me? " She nudged my shoulder with a fond smile, but I obscured my smile and avoided her charm  because she pleaded and I just couldn't stand her. "Ok..." she glummed her voice a little and swallowed it up. Christian sighed at the back where I could feel his breath on my neck. It made me gulp down my guilt.  John tried to talk to him. "I am the one who needs to be baptized by you—so why are you coming to me? "
But Jesus said, "It should be done, for we must carry out all that God requires..." So John agreed to baptize him.
After his baptism, as Jesus came up out of the water, something eccentric happened to John. It felt like the sky was talking to him. It was bright on his face.
"Finally we found the 
Messiah..." said Christoper with great grinning and joy.
Joy asked with a flash of confusion "Wait... we didn't come here to find a place to stay—is it? "

"We'll what do you know? "

"It's a coincidence," said Christian with pure glee, and Roi nodded. "I'm not sure."
"I still don't get it?"
We all gaze sternly at Joy. 
"Ok fine.. I get it."

"What if... we follow him? " I pleaded with sombre. A strike glitch stabbed our bodies except for Christoper and Nathan. We yelped and gasped from a sudden surprise and asked questions.

"What was that Zoey? " 

"I don't know. —b--but.. It must be the machine! "

"W--wha... what does that mean? "

"I still don't know."

We clenched our teeth while clutching our chest from the excruciating strike of the glitch.  "You think... there's a chance that we can go back? "

"I don't know, but if we 
do?..." I stuttered with great shock, not knowing that we could disperse all of a sudden at a different time but without the remote.

"Guys?... Where are we? "

"This is impossible?—how did-- how do? " Christian frantically shouted at us because he was freaking out. 
"Just... calm down!" said Christoper while holding my hand and the other hand was clasping Nathan's hand before we glitched. Then Christian pulled my hand away from Christoper and looked at me with great consternation, along with Joy, Roi, and Nathan, except for Christoper, who was a little bit naive but calm. He also still grinned at us a little. We took a deep breath and submerged ourselves in this matter. 

"How did we transported? —how did we glitch? "

"I don't know and—"
We stopped sauntering along the shore because I saw "Jesus!" I ran towards him as he was talking with two people on a boat. I took a quick breath to stop and followed him to the boat. 

"Zoey wait! "
Joy pulled my hand sternly.

"What? "

"We barely know these people."

"Ok then... let's get to know them."

She pulled my hand and looked me in the eye.

"What is your problem?"
The others didn't go along with our argument because Joy is such a psycho. I wonder.

"I'm just trying to protect 
you... I'm not sure about this one. " I furrowed straight at her eyes while trying to be tactful."When did you care about me?" She stutters with a drawl. "I just..." I glare at her because I want to make her feel more than I felt before. I want her to suffer like I suffered with torment.  Every time I look at her, I can't help but think of vengeance, which is whispering through my ears. I can't help but to ignore it because I am already infected with the disease called anger. I don't know how to forgive anymore.
I sighed because of figuring out about reality and dreamland. Perhaps I needed a little bit of enthusiasm on the inside, but where do I start?. Joy didn't get along with us, so we headed off to the boat with Jesus and the other guys. Christian is a little bit skeptical about me and Joy, but I still want him to know that I can still talk to her but not in the same way as before. Forgiving is easy, but forgetting is nothing but a difficult solid rock.  After finally getting into the boat, Joy didn't last much longer than I expected. She ran along towards us, knowing that we were all a little bit wet. Then Jesus called out, "Come, follow me, and I will show you how to fish for people!" I gazed at the boat. A little farther up the shore, the other guys with Jesus saw two other guys sitting in a boat and repairing their nets. 

"John and James!"

"Peter and Andrew?"

"Peter and Andrew! "

We somehow got stuck in an awkward situation where a little bit of enthusiasm was sprinkled on our faces, despite our few absurd tantrums.
"Hate to break it to you people, but..." I cringed really hard, but I'm very glad to see Jesus again, even though in a complicated way. "We are not fishermen... people think."
Joy prompted us with force while backing us away from the boat. We almost lost the balance because Joy was shaking the boat because she had blundered. "Stand still Joy..." Joy calmed herself and managed to obey Jesus. She stood still just as Jesus wanted her to do. As I stood there gazing at them quizzically, I could see Joy was somehow scared of facing Jesus and I don't know why. I can see the fear in her eyes. "Remain in me, and I will remain in you. For a branch can not produce fruit if it is severed from the vine, and you can not be fruitful unless you remain in me. " She sank in still with no words to offer, then Jesus looked at Christian and me.
I began to feel dismay as the tension got higher. "There is no greater love than laying down one's life for one's friends." He smiled at us and went off with Peter. 

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