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Cross groaned. He panicked seeing blue and shattered. He screamed and struggled. Blue panicked. "Okay okay!" Tears in his eyes. "Just let cross go, please" he begged. His begging fell on deaf ears. Shattered didn't care. Cross was terrified.

A tentical wrapped around blue. He pulled out two sedatives. Blue screamed. Shattered stabbed the sedative into their necks. They passed out. "There we go. Much easier to get you two home" he chuckled and teleported to the house.

He dropped them on the floor. "INK!" he snapped loudly. Blue whined in his sleep at the loud noise. Shattered growled. Error was curled up on the floor, shaking. Shattered smiled slightly and darkly. After a bit, ink didn't come. He growled and tied cross up. Then blue.

He looked at error. He walked over to the shaking gitch ball. "Error-" errors head shot up hearing his name. When he saw who, he panicked. He didn't sound like himself. He sounded like... the old him. The kind him. The good him

Shattered gently grabbed errors face. He smiled as error glitched badly. He kissed him. Error struggled, terrified, glitching worse. He growled at him. Error submitted and kissed back. Even if he hated it. He glitched badly, not crashing.

He got up and pat him on the head. Error whined when the hand touched him. "Stay" dream walked off. Error sighed. "I miss home..." he sighed softly again.

He said softly. Cross woke. He groaned and sat up. "Error?" He asked exhausted from the drugs still. "Cross!" He walked as close as he could with the leash on. He sat down. He was a bit away. "Where are we?..." cross asked softly.

"Cross we've been here before..." cross raised a brow. He struggled slightly. "Cross stop... we aren't going to escape..." He said softly. "You remember the star sanses base?... we're there..." cross looked at error. "Oh god...oh God no" he started shaking, scared. "No no no!"

"Sh please don't cry! Dont scream! Dream will hear!" He whisper shouted at cross. And he was right. Dream was listening. He found their conversation amusing.

"Cross?" A small voice asked behind him. Blue sat up, groaning softly. Cross sighed and inched backwards to blue. "I'm here" blue laid his head gently on cross' shoulder. "We need to escape" blue said softly. Error nodded slightly.

"Well I doubt you can" dream walked into the room. They realized he heard everything. He chuckled darkly. "No one is escaping. And if you try, you'll loose your life" to cross and error, it sounded like a threat. To blue, it sounded like a bluff. He wouldn't kill any of them.

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