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Shattered and Ink ran to the crash. Error was fighting off a girl who was trying to save him. he thought she was going to hurt him or abuse him.  Shattered used his tendril to pick the girl up and slam her into the wall. error whimpered. dream unlocked the leash from the bed frame. he forced Error to get up. he took error out of the room while the girl laid on the ground in agony. he chained error to the couch leg.

Error whimpered as Dream left. he grabbed the girl by the hair. "You thought you could save him from me, didn't you?..." he growled softly so only she could hear. "Oᕼ, ᔕO YOᑌ'ᖇE TᕼE ᗩᔕᔕ? ᗯEᒪᒪ, I TᕼIᑎK YOᑌ'ᖇE ᗩ ᗷIT ᒪOᔕT..." she growled back at the taller skeleton. she was short but she was a fighter. she would take him down. or try to. 

he growled and knocked her out hard by slamming her into the wall. "weak bitch" ink looked back at the chair blue was in. Blue was gone. he sighed. "Whatever" he grumbled and shattered dropped the girl. "Where is blue?" Shattered growled at Ink. Ink shrugged and walked off. He growled

"God damnit..." he sighed. "Tie her up. I'll find him!" He left as Ink sighed. He picked her up. He felt a spark in his chest as he looked at the girl's face. She looked so familiar yet so alien to him. He sat her in the chair that held blue. He tied her down tightly and she groaned.

Error struggled against the leash. He gave up and sat on the floor. He wanted to go home. He cried softly and hugged himself. Ink walked off to another room. The girl started waking. She yawned and panicked. She struggled violently. Her voice glitched and error couldn't understand her angry swears.


Blue was running, tears in his eyes. his arm hurt like hell but he had to keep running. he had to find a way to get back to cross. he would find cross. he took his phone out. no battery. he threw the phone. he growled and kept running. "CROSS! HELP! SOMEONE!" he begged. he ran until he found a shed a few miles from the water. he went inside. he found cross and a siren, snuggled up and sleeping. he growled. he grabbed the siren by the tail and started to drag her away from cross.

he smiled as he pulled out a sharp bone. he dragged her to the water. he stabbed her until he was covered in blood. he threw her into the water. he walked back to the shed. when he got there, there was a surprise for him. he saw shattered, holding cross with a tentacle and smirking. blues eyes widened. he panicked and whimpered. "oh you fool~" shattered smiled sinisterly. "I think this is a checkmate, am I correct?" he growled. blue swallowed hard as cross started waking.

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